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Posts posted by goncall

  1. That would seriously put me off even if I thought I would be the ideal candidate.


    We all know the **** candidates will apply anyway but you might risk putting good ones off. I'd personally delete it.


    To me it suggests, 'we don't have time to train you, you won't get any support, you'll be out on your **** within 5 days,' even if it isn't true.

    Also is it just me that gets annoyed with the creeping US use of the word 'install' in place of 'installer'..?

    personally id expect to hit the ground running on day 2, day one pick up van meet the rest of the crew see what procedures they have in place etc then out on the road while 26k isnt much in real terms its at the top end of the scale so you should have someone decent who knows his **** from his elbow

  2. I agree but I'm in line to move across the line to become supervisor but basic is only 30k. Rest of money is made up of overtime and bonuses if targets are hit. In all homesty I think I can make more money staying as an engineer doing my callout but comes a stage in life where getting fed up of doing the callout. Chatting to present supervisor as you say his earnings are always close to the 40k mark

    Was asked the same i declined,they wouldn't pay what i asked for and the additional for my soul was way off the mark

  3. Correct, if the engineer creates a follow up action this will be done automatically. My service girl tends to keep a check on the engineer dockets as they come back from the tablet just in case there is further action without the auto callback created.

    depends on codes,if a code creates a revisit all is fine then its all in the wording and service engineers have their own shorthand which means something only to them most of the time,discon door  as new door being fitted  is different to discon as door being blocked off for eg 

  4. i bet within 3 yrs domestics will be hiding keypads again (under stairs etc) and using apps. in 30-40% of installs. Then after that systems will be using apps and gps etc as 6wb says. The panels will be running a normal os (maybe linux / android but probably a version of windows) but this does heavily depend on what becomes the big car os.


    the voice thing will never work as the banks etc have found after spending billions on voice menus,no software can tell the difference between regional accents in the uk,a cheap alarm app doesnt stand a chance

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