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Posts posted by norman

  1. Previous Volvo had it, just kept the key in the middle of the house.


    Quite a few now go inactive when not moved for a few minutes. Current car needs to be pressed for lock/unlock but can be left in my pocket. 


    Obvious one is a Faraday pouch but they vary in quality and also deteriorate over time. 

  2. Yeah, I just never fitted one because I didn't want to distress the dog if it fa'd, but tbf over the last 13 years he's probably only ever been left in the house a few times a year. 


    We've only been setting it regularly for a few years (maybe 3-4) as well. 

  3. Hello and welcome, have a look at the forum rules and apply for trade status, there's a lot more going on in the trade side (I'm probably overselling it a bit tbf though) 

  4. A quick Google says Ring have c 8 million units in the US alone, I agree with the closed platform etc, I read a while ago they also log everything although not sure if true or to what level. 


    But at those numbers it shows what I've always said, 99% of people don't give a shiny shite and Amazon (Google etc) will continue to develop their own plug and play 'security' business that will sell by the millions. 

  5. 3 hours ago, meditek said:

    I have never suggested that the customer should know the engineer code from the start. My suggestion was that the customer should have a code of his own making to be used to shut down the system when he no longer required it  which would be as secure as his customer access code. I've left the handling of the system entirely to ADT when I required it but now simply want to disable it and nothing will convince me that ADT don't make it difficult so they can bag another £200. Not surprised as I feel my my mails have been scanned rather than read.

    I do not have a man with a hammer coming either because I want the chips intact to amuse myself  with during this epidemic. I've noticed my electrician getting snide remarks here and don't like it.

    I anticipated cancellation so insured the place with no alarm

    Not had a sensible response to any of my other points as obviously you've all got vested interests in alarm systems and simply sing the lingo. My mistake coming here.







    Trust me, your pissy £200 is more of a hindrance to their operations than you care to think, non contract customers are a pain in the arse. 

    1 hour ago, PeterJames said:

    figure of speech I dont care if your offended its only words 


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