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Everything posted by luggsey

  1. It's not unusual for several on a firm to want to leave but stay and put up with whatever pees them off. I was one of the peed off for a long time, many straws later I handed in a weeks notice with a letter telling boss man why I was going which was very pointed. He normally sent people off site right away but he let me work my notice and wanted me to stay. Should have paid me the same as the other bloke shouldn't he instead of taking the piss...
  2. So what are you saying, a larger wireless pager system is more expensive than a large wired system, or a small wireless pager system is more expensive than a small wired system? If you are still talking about using an existing hard wired installation then I see your point, but from scratch the wireless will be cheaper.
  3. What about one per class? Costs less then a wired install I bet? http://www.scope-uk.com/products/geo84zwm.htm
  4. Text pagers for the teachers? Mucho cheaper....
  5. City Link were the worst courier in my area, often failed to deliver next days.
  6. Posted 13 November 2014 - 10:05 PM Had a look at a Integra (software driven PC application) IRC networked system today to try and work out how to program a input to give a global open to all fire exit doors. Is it possible on this system?
  7. I buy my own snickers canvas trousers, company buys trojan from arco which are cheap and nasty. Snickers are expensive but comfortable.
  8. My insurer asks for 5 lever locks, do five pin euro barrels count as a five lever like a chubb deadlock? If not my insurance is invalid as well!
  9. Visonic wireless is a pretty friendly bit of kit to use, works well and is reliable, easily sourced online and has been around for years. Galaxy is OTT for a house IMHO and not the most user friendly either. If using wireless mock up the installation and site the panel where all wireless devices will connect, sounds obvious but best to do this before drilling holes!
  10. Maybe a sign outside your house with a picture of promised punnishment will deter most would be tea leafs but you just may attract someone? To the OP, I may get a little singed for this but you will never have a better deterant then a dog that sounds nasty......unless you can purchase a Norman?
  11. Fit a CCTV camera looking at it in an obvious location?
  12. Too much of the good life is a bad thing, im back where I belong!
  13. As Rulland said, I always fitted a mains contactor to the music system supply so its going to shut down the music audio and allow the evac signal to be heard, no ambiguity, no blame on you when their music system goes tits and fails to work. If the music system is the same PA/Amps as the fire PA then thats fine (Never seen it in a club though??), done similar in a shopping centre as long as the fire signal can under all conditions over ride any other audio input and the fire signal volume is fixed then Bobs your uncle and Fanny aint a virgin.
  14. I too have these moments! To much canned smoke in my yoof!
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