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Wireless versus wired

Guest David graham

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Just out of intrest, how many and what type of wirefree systems have you fitted PaulR :question:


fitted 2 a early scantronic 500 last two days, then a Abacus class 6 lasted 1 hour then gave up on wireless, the only and i must stress ONLY thing we use wireless is panic buttons but then we only have 3 sites with them on, preffered hard wired and there is no such thing as "I cant get a cable to that".

Would never trust wireless with a ARC connection.

Customer going out on a friday night in a rush, panel says low battery what happens

1) they leave the system off

2) they tip the house up side down for the instructions to omit the zone with the low battery

3) th tip the house upside down to find a battery or call out a enginer to sort the fault out before they go out, and now they are late.

why bother just fit a wired system it will take longer to install but he customer is not going to get cleared out due to they have come back after a good night out and forgot about the battery, next day they think how do we omit that zone and thats the night they get cleared out, and blame the installer for a **** system.

PS. the only thing wireless i have is mobile and cordless phone, network in hardwired.



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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I have already answered why my web page says we install wireless (we used to and we still can if the customer will except nothing else)



Not having a go at you Pete but you said this here,

We have had one fail to perform on a burglary (class six system) (worked fine on test the day after) but burglars came in through a window next to a detector, emptied three fruit machines, all close to detectors not obscured, and all filmed on cctv, the log proved the system was set.
But you say this on your site :whistle:
Unlike some *!$%"@** systems which are available in shops, CLASS SIX Wireless is highly reliable, and cannot be compromised.

There are no stupid questions, but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.

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