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What Really Narks You Off?

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I hate it when you tell someone no and they refuse to take that on board!


Happened today so had to spell it out in no uncertain terms, all I wanted to do was put some money in the bank but they wanted to sell me some product or other, and they just persistently tried to get me to agree to taking a banking product out with them, rather than process the transaction I was there for.


It took way too too long to get it through to the numbskull, had to threaten to make my business elsewhere just to get things moving, after telling them no three times already, I don't want anything from you, bang out of order.

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This week I've spent 3 days and nights with my daughter in hospital and seen her go through surgery in the early hours of the morning. Some bank clerk trying to sell me something wouldn't even register 1/2 a point on the importance scale.


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But that's how I view things in my normal life. Bad service, incompetant suppliers/staff I just let it go. I used to get really sound up but it was only me who seemed to suffer so I stopped doing it


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Hope she's OK, guessing bupa.

No. In fact the first I knew about it she was in a gown and waiting to go down

not good,tell her uncle g says get well soon.....

Worryingly she is fully aware of who you are :)


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