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Texecom Second Bell ?


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Hi I've added a second bell as shown in Elite bell manual. For bell 1 I removed wire MSW 2 and connected it to bell 2 MSW 1 as required. No tamper wire to bell 2 as required.


Bells are being used in SCB mode.


Both bell box lids off and not connected to control unit 24-W at all.


I (made the firstmistake) of setting jumper to SCB first then jumper to enable battery on bell 1 then closed lid. (I now know I should connect battery first then jumper to SCB according to manual...I forgot!)


It probably took longer than 2 mins to move ladders to second bell, fit jumper to SCB and then jumper to enable battery then close lid.


At this point no alarm.


Then I connected all wires to control panel fitting 0V second last and +12V suppy last. At this point both bells sounded and I hoped it would be for only a few seconds but they continued.

Fault is Tamper.


I logged in as Engineer but still both bells continued to sound.


So I disconnected supplies to bells in control panel then up ladders to pull battery jumper to extinguish them.


Well that was 4pm today so no plans to try again until tomorrow.


But looking at effect of MSW 2 of bell 1 connected to MSW 1 of bell 2 (although I cannot find any info in manuals) I assume my mistake (apart from not connecting battery  first then SCB) was connecting bell 1 jumpers first and not getting to bell 2 and finished within 2 mins. So I am thinking I should set jumpers on bell 2 first, SCB then battery then close lid.....then same for bell 1 then connect them to the control panel




connect jumpers on bell 2 first (leave lid off), connect jumpers on bell 1 (leave lid off) connect them to control unit....then fit lid to bell2 first then fit lid to bell 1.


Finally, why does logging on as Engineer not stop this tamper alarm? Is it because they are powered from their own bell battery?  So if there was such a fault later then is there no way to cancel the alarms without removing all power...ladders and all?



Thanks for any advice.


Kind Regards.


(Plan B is only 1 bell again and SAB)



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dont do many but am pretty damn sure it's always been 1 sab 1 scb.........


never had to race between bells in 2 mins mate lol


Not read the instructions on doing it for donkeys years tho.

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Well If you have followed the wiring instructions correctly I don't see how there is a problem.

I can only guess the bells triggered due to loosing Hold-Off voltage or incorrect wiring.

I would read the instructions again carefully and follow them exactly.

Engineer mode on the panel will not stop the bells triggering, there is a special way to trigger engineer mode on Texecom bells, this is explained in the manual.

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You havent mixed up 0v hold off with 0v trigger have you?

The opinions I express are mine and are usually correct!

(Except when I'm wrong)(which I'm not)

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Hi Thanks




I'll checking wiring tomorrow...I was careful connecting everything so was pretty sure wiring was good ....but I'll double check tomorrow and I'm reading the bell install instructions again......always a good idea as I've made some sort of mistake.


Now I read it again I see another way to make final connections.


I was using Optional "Battery First" Connection Method making all connections and jumpers in bell units first and closing lid then making connections inside panel. As it was so sunny I did not notice right led flashing quickly which would have indicated tamper was ok for that bell unit. I'll try this tomorrow after wiring check.


The other method cited, connecting bells first, leave lid off, connect to control unit for power, 5 second alarm then they automatically enter "hold off" and left led flashes as lid is off, and now I can make bell battery jumper and then SCB jumper.....well I can try this too!



Finally - I'm unclear as to ref to "losing hold off voltage" or "mixed up 0V hold off with 0V trigger"

At the moment what you mean escapes me.


Wiring is as per above (if no mistakes on my part) and connected accordingly to control panel. I am only aware of invoking hold off my triggering strobe 3x within 30 seconds via Eng Utils which I did so I could open bell 1 and totally disconnect wires from bell and control unit  before I started to connect from scratch the bell 1 and 2 combo as above circuit.


Thanks again.


Kind Regards

Missing circuit!


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ok - decided as a test to set bells to default SAB and jumpers to low current, battery off.

As to activate the bell correctly I also set Global 01 to SAB mode which tells me the bell output on the control unit connects it to 0V to activate the bells. As there are 2 and I'm not sure if its ok to have 2 bells connected in SAB mode (Hence original SCB mode) I also decided not to connect blue wire to bell input of bell 2 thinking it floats high and is never pulled low by control unit when an alarm occurs so this bell 2 never sounds.


OK did this then whilst logged on as Engineer (to prohibit alarms) connected all bell wires to control unit as per drawing above (bar blue to bell 2).

OKand left hand led's were flashing indicating bell lids were off and tamper.

Now connected battery on bell 2 then on bell 1. So far all ok. Next fitted cover to bell 2 and waited 2 mins for change from rapid alternate flashing to slower flashing. Then did same fitting cover on bell 1 with same result.


Back to control panel and no tamper fault (checking with Wintex diagnostics).


I had also connected bell 1 and 2 fault relay contacts in series and back to control panel Aux Fault input.

Now Wintex shows Aux Fault. Tracing I find bell 1 fault contact is closed so ok. bell 2 fault contact is open so is the cause of this fault.

The only difference is bell 2 does not have blue bell wire connected....so I assume it must be this. I can try it but for the moment I've just linked out Aux Fault in control panel and no faults are declared in Wintex except indicating Engineer Working and System Open the latter I asume refers to fact Wintex is connected as what else can it be as I have the control panel lid off but jumper connected to override panel tamper?


Back to the bell 2 fault contact maybe due to no blue bell wire connected? I'm happy to connect as long as SAB mode low current is suffice for 2 bells or even happy to connect bell input to +12V supply (can I do that?) and leave actual bell activation input disconnected as I'm happy just to have strobe as bell 1 is noisy enough. The second bell was mostly for strobe as next door neighbour cannot see bell 1 that can be seen by other neighbours. You know what its like hearing an alarm but not being able to identify who's it is...that's what its for so all my neighbours can see at least one strobe on my house.


Thanks for any comments.



Finally - I could go through all this again but in SCB mode and connect bell 2 blue wire and see if all is ok this time. Maybe another day!

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ok - decided as a test to set bells to default SAB and jumpers to low current, battery off.

As to activate the bell correctly I also set Global 01 to SAB mode which tells me the bell output on the control unit connects it to 0V to activate the bells. As there are 2 and I'm not sure if its ok to have 2 bells connected in SAB mode (Hence original SCB mode) I also decided not to connect blue wire to bell input of bell 2 thinking it floats high and is never pulled low by control unit when an alarm occurs so this bell 2 never sounds.

OK did this then whilst logged on as Engineer (to prohibit alarms) connected all bell wires to control unit as per drawing above (bar blue to bell 2).

OKand left hand led's were flashing indicating bell lids were off and tamper.

Now connected battery on bell 2 then on bell 1. So far all ok. Next fitted cover to bell 2 and waited 2 mins for change from rapid alternate flashing to slower flashing. Then did same fitting cover on bell 1 with same result.

Back to control panel and no tamper fault (checking with Wintex diagnostics).

I had also connected bell 1 and 2 fault relay contacts in series and back to control panel Aux Fault input.

Now Wintex shows Aux Fault. Tracing I find bell 1 fault contact is closed so ok. bell 2 fault contact is open so is the cause of this fault.

The only difference is bell 2 does not have blue bell wire connected....so I assume it must be this. I can try it but for the moment I've just linked out Aux Fault in control panel and no faults are declared in Wintex except indicating Engineer Working and System Open the latter I asume refers to fact Wintex is connected as what else can it be as I have the control panel lid off but jumper connected to override panel tamper?

Back to the bell 2 fault contact maybe due to no blue bell wire connected? I'm happy to connect as long as SAB mode low current is suffice for 2 bells or even happy to connect bell input to +12V supply (can I do that?) and leave actual bell activation input disconnected as I'm happy just to have strobe as bell 1 is noisy enough. The second bell was mostly for strobe as next door neighbour cannot see bell 1 that can be seen by other neighbours. You know what its like hearing an alarm but not being able to identify who's it is...that's what its for so all my neighbours can see at least one strobe on my house.

Thanks for any comments.

Finally - I could go through all this again but in SCB mode and connect bell 2 blue wire and see if all is ok this time. Maybe another day!

Tbh I would leave 1 bell connected and call a pro in to set the second bell up.


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Thanks for replies. Sorted, read bell manual again after a cuppa and it monitors trigger input (as I thought above) hence bell 2 fault. Connected trigger and ok now.


So remaining questions I cannot find definative answer yet in manuals. (maybe need another cuppa).


1. No matter what the alarm is activated for will simply entering Engineer or users code stop the alarm? (bell fault/tamper too?)

(I've also given all users "Allow Eng Reset" so I expect anyone who logs on should reset everything)


2. The 24-W aux fault that is being used to moinitor bell units for faults...if triggered does it sound the bell (I can try it) and can the bell be silenced entering Eng Code and if not how do I silence the bells? (not wanting toi try it yet just in case I need ladders to pull power on bell units)


3. Can the aux fault input be configured not to trigger the alarm but just give message on the panel? (I know I can do this if I do not use the aux fault input (just link it out) and use the spare zone inputs on the key pannel (because I'm using other 4 on 24-W) and set them to type Auxillary.)


4. Sysetm Open reported by Wintex in diagnostics....what is this referring to? Simply fact that I'm logged into the system?

(No big issue, just wondering)



Finally....I've just gone with standard defaullt Grade 3 installation that is maybe overkill for diy so would Grade 2 mode affect any of my questions above? Maybe too big a question to answer so if its easier for questions 1 to 4 then I stay with Grade 3.


Thanks again for any replies.


Apart from above all is done and dusted and working fine and thanks to everyone for help.

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