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When We No Longer Have Nsi/ssaib Will We Run Our Arcs From India?


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Although this is a comedy sketch, I can see this being reality and not that far into the future

Question, what would stop Burger King doing this?

Answer, nothing IP technology has changed the possibilities beyond recognition.

But gi joe gets to action it coz he has your password and is now arc op,poor Alan will get the call from jarhead who will tell him it's unconfirmed and can he ring you to make sure your ok,tough call al'...

I'm in als good books at the present time. He is just about to get on a plane to get married in Las Vegas.


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So would you kick up a fuss if adt outsourced its engineer coordination abroad to save cash or wouldn't you care where your service jobs came from?

Personally yes,not that I have any say in company policy...

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So the fact of the call coming from abroad isn't actually what gets to you. It's the knock on effect to our society that is the issue? If so I share the concern. If 80% of our jobs are either done by automation or outsourcing companies it doesn't look great for joe average does it. But a private business is just that, designed to maximise profits for shareholders and if outsourcing can get the same result for less you can't blame companies for doing it. It is the governments job to look after us (oh dear, were doomed) not the job of private companies.


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So the fact of the call coming from abroad isn't actually what gets to you. It's the knock on effect to our society that is the issue? If so I share the concern. If 80% of our jobs are either done by automation or outsourcing companies it doesn't look great for joe average does it. But a private business is just that, designed to maximise profits for shareholders and if outsourcing can get the same result for less you can't blame companies for doing it. It is the governments job to look after us (oh dear, were doomed) not the job of private companies.

Matt stop being a *****,your a working class kid from no where,you never have and never will be part of the elite,like everyone on here,if you put profit over the needs of your fellow working man,your more shallow than I thought...

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