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Outdoor Motion Detection Alert


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I've used active beams for years, never a F/A, eg use a150m for a 100m area to be covered, 100m for a 50m etc, more stable, just keep the lenses clean and keep foliage trimmed, no problems.

I've got 3 sets connected to different sounders, easy to know which to look at.

Also they are individually switched with warning LEDs so it's possible to see at a glance if on/off.

Been using the same beams at 3 houses over 20+ years, good old Pulnix.

Someone told me I was ignorant and apathetic, I don't know what that means, nor do I care.

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Yep I rate takex (new name for pulnix)beams. Also use their pet external pir with success

The prime is a basic panel and is 1 way. You would of been better asking on here before you bought your panel as id guess no-one would of recommended it

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Ye, I've had a look around and the Pulnix ones seem great. I've been looking everywhere however and can't seem to find anything on how to connect it to the panel. I take it you can cross over manufacturer and so Pulnix will be compatible with Prime?

@jameswilson. You mention that the prime is only 1 way. What do you mean by this?...... I am able to control the panel from my phone and send sms messages to check the status. It will also call/sms me if there is a problem.

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on the wireless side. THe sensors are not in 2 way comms with the panel. If the sensor alarm is not recieved by the panel (2 sensors jamming each other, interference brief etc) the the signal will be be missed. The sensor assumes it will get through if not tough

Dunno anything about them other than specs always thought it a diy type panel

securitywarehouse Security Supplies from Security Warehouse

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