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Credit Crunch

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im feeling the love.

Sorry Im just bitter because I cant afford a house around here and didnt fancy moving North :'(

Trade Member

As Mr Kingswood said "Dont forget the 6 P's when installing.....Proper Preperation Prevents P*** Poor Performance!!!"

John Kingswood(alais Nobby), Paul Earl Ltd 1985-2006

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Guest RJBsec
House prices arent falling round here, I think if they do there only fall to the reasonble prices that they should be. Dont know any builders who are being layed off, Estates agents got gready and deserve to close, there should be a goverment set fee that estate agents should charge, not a percentage , Estate agents and TV housing programmes are to blame for the high house prices in the first place, Pricing them above the real value, making it fashionable to buy to let, pricing first time buyers outof the market. If there is a crash it and people loose there houses (with the brand new motor outside) it serves everyone right for borrowing out of there limits, you are all warned in the small print, but hey who reads that!

Like I said, give it time!

You're right about the banks/building societies/estate agents/ (and government) though - totally irresponsible to let the situation get to the state it is.

Going back to the 80's I was putting systems in plasterboard squares costing megabucks (the homes that is, not the alarms!) and it wasn't really funny to see customers losing their homes or suffering from negative equity soon after due to greedy banks and estate agents.

A big new area for Bristol at the time was 'Bradley Stoke', it got re-named 'Sadly Broke', unfortunately the lessons haven't been learned.

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My view is the Credit Crunch a Myth! Just to stop the British spending like crazy and getting deeper into debt.

The media have grabbed hold of it and blown it out of the water to scare everyone. So in effect there causing the slowdown in spending.

Companies I work for still have plenty of work and as busy as usual.

I don't quite agree that it's a myth..... as RJB says it is only going to get worse for everybody.

As you rightly say the men in black and the banks have made it far too easy for people to borrow way beyond their means, but then people should take a bit more responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming every one else for their own stupidity.

... The next trend will be for all these people to declare themselves personally bankrupt in order to clear their debts.....

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As you rightly say the men in black and the banks have made it far too easy for people to borrow way beyond their means, but then people should take a bit more responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming every one else for their own stupidity.

... The next trend will be for all these people to declare themselves personally bankrupt in order to clear their debts.....

& the ones with their heads screwed on will pick up the bill not the finacial institutions or No 11.

Problem is the 80's crunch was 2 generations ago so long since forgotten in real terms.

Crazy and sad at the same time IMO.


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Guest anguscanplay
people should take a bit more responsibility for their own lives and stop blaming every one else for their own stupidity.


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Not too bad at the moment, reasonable amount of work comming in, just a shame nobody likes paying for it once it's done, and it's normally those who have 5 bedroomed houses for 2 people with 3 cars on the drive including a new bmw and merc.... obviously not pointing the finger at anybody in particular....... and then there's the others who want it done for free or next to nothing/..... don't you just hate chasing people for money!!!

CCTV Intruder Access Control

Tony Hughes, Proprietor,


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Not too bad at the moment, reasonable amount of work comming in, just a shame nobody likes paying for it once it's done, and it's normally those who have 5 bedroomed houses for 2 people with 3 cars on the drive including a new bmw and merc.... obviously not pointing the finger at anybody in particular....... and then there's the others who want it done for free or next to nothing/..... don't you just hate chasing people for money!!!

No, I actually quite like it.

Its the fact I don't have their cash that I hate.

I'd happily sell up and become a balliff.

"show me the money" :bruce_h4h:


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Funny thing is mate those you like to go around like they've got the money are actually more skint than me and thee. Buggs the hell out of me on tv where debt collectors are after the ones who would pay but can't afford to and they offer them no help, but the prats like I've mentioned seemed to get away with it all the time and think it's ok to do it...... they make my blood boil the lot of um!!!!

CCTV Intruder Access Control

Tony Hughes, Proprietor,


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Guest RJBsec
Household energy bills could increase by as much as 40% this winter, the BBC has learned, as oil and wholesale gas prices hit record highs.

The increases could mean households paying

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