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Mcb Trips

arfur mo

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Are you that old Arf??? Are the ramps arriving soon at the front and back doors???

i'm just very pragmatic, odds on i'll expire well before the wife, she will outlast me by 20 years as women tend to do.

so makes sense to get things well sorted while i'm still able, so she can afford a 'toy boy' when i'm gone ;)

to put this into focus in an amusing way, one of my oldest mates is a massive hoarder and just will not throw anything away, to give you some idea he has 2 x washing machines, bought as spares for each other but neither actually work. he had until recently his last 3 kitchen unit sets - yes the complete lot including worktops stored in his double garages "because some one will find them handy", this hoarding means he kept one car on the drive and 2 other cars in storage on a local farm, he has even kept the carpets and underlay taken up when the laminate floors were put down, ans the endoffs of the laminate.

a couple of years back his wife says he had to clear it all out because "your getting on a bit and if you die before me, which is very likely, she did not want the hassle of clearing them out of all his junk". so a bit taken aback he duly and very begrudgingly gets rid. garage's all nice and clear for the 1st time in 30 years. so then two week later he go's out and buys a massive wood turning lathe - and puts it in the garages, his long suffering wife was not amused i can tell you.

the best of it is this guy is not even capable of using a chisel :rolleyes: , but he decides on his first job will be - to make me some banister spindles out of some of his remaining hoard of saved wood. i had to gently remind him we actually live in a bungalow with no upper floor :lol: the lathe remains unused to my knowledge for the last 5 years, so perhaps he is waiting for me to move into a house. :unsure:

nothing wrong i suppose in being prepared, to be prepared banghead :P



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Agree with wilks121 , You come downstairs in the morning , flick the light on and pting the lamp blows and all your lighting circuit goes off, coz your dis board is in the garage , you then have to climb over all the **** in your dark garage to reset, i fitted an emergency light to the lighting circuit on my dis board and its FANTASTIC , Whoa i can seee the light!

and the best bit is you see LOADS of disarded EM light fittings knocking about in leccy cupboards , usually with nowt wrong!

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