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Question For Engineers

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drive your car onto the landing and leave the engine running?

You don't need to go that far. I've been called to the occasional activation that was caused by sub starting his 4 by 4 on his drive then going back in the house to pick up his whatever leaving the front door open and allowing the fumes from his exhaust to enter.He then shuts the door and drives off. He gets half way down his road and sees the fire engine coming the opposite way completly oblivious to what has happened until he gets a call from CS telling him to go back home and make the guys a cup of tea or words to that effect. :ranting::banned:

Practice in the morning, practice at night. Practice in the evening, until you get it right.

Only make sure you are practising in the right way at the right time for it.

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Build a small fire on the landing

And see what method Auther would use to put it out eh mate? :ninja:

Practice in the morning, practice at night. Practice in the evening, until you get it right.

Only make sure you are practising in the right way at the right time for it.

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i saw your mate from buxton the other day in Knutsford

working for CJ i think..

I wish I had known His phone is always on answerphone and I have been trying to get hold of him for ages. He may not love me anymore now that I have left the slave trade :cold2:

Practice in the morning, practice at night. Practice in the evening, until you get it right.

Only make sure you are practising in the right way at the right time for it.

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Smokes: tinned smoke

Heats: Hairdryer. The heat attachment for the Solo tester looks more professional but costs mega bucks.

Reasons are fairly obvious I think.

i'm just curious as i've always wondered about how do you test those 'rate of rise' heads, is there a calibrated tester for them?

if so, i'd bet it's expensive :cold2:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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I cant find any definitive tester for heats but here are some links to no climbs kit

Smoke Detector tester unit

Heat Detector Tester Unit (Battery Powered)

Multi Sensor Testing Unit

Co2 Detector Tester

Tester Gas for Smokes (Handheld)

Tester Gas for smokes (used with dispenser)

Detector Sensitivity Tester

Hope this is informative to you guys



All comments in this post are my own views and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer

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I cant find any definitive tester for heats but here are some links to no climbs kit

Smoke Detector tester unit

Heat Detector Tester Unit (Battery Powered)

Multi Sensor Testing Unit

Co2 Detector Tester

Tester Gas for Smokes (Handheld)

Tester Gas for smokes (used with dispenser)

Detector Sensitivity Tester

Hope this is informative to you guys



Let me try to get this straight.. CO2 is carbon dioxide which is used to put certain types of fire out and is only harmful if it is used in confined spaces if you breath in the vapour. It displaces the oxygen and therefore the fire goes out although a hot fire can re-ignite a bit like my rs soldering iron that when I switch it off , I can in a short space of time relite it without using the flint as it re-ignites due to the iron still being hot.

CO is carbon monoxide which is the dangerous stuff that silently kills you and hence the detectors for this odourless killer.

If you were to use CO to test the CO detectors would the test engineer be at risk from accumulative CO deposits getting into his system or are special precautions taken and if so what are the special precautions?

Practice in the morning, practice at night. Practice in the evening, until you get it right.

Only make sure you are practising in the right way at the right time for it.

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