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Guest Guest_Steve_*

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i'm happy to discuss anything, anywhere and at anytime as long as it will encourage higher standards

But who's the cockney muppet who wants the end user to have the Engineer codes??

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He uses the Public areas Jeff, because he knows that many Professional Engineers/ Companies will not lower themselves to his level and comment on an industry that clearly he would seem out of touch with.

hi alarmgaurd,

thats a wierd remark m8, especially as all the replies have ben from the trade who erm 'lowered' thems selves to comment on this out of date geezers babblings?

anyway to appease, i have 'moved' it to trade so we can all sink to an even lower private level away from the prying eyes of the public (will that make us freemasons?), so no more winging in public please :P



But who's the cockney muppet who wants the end user to have the Engineer codes??

oh tiidlewink, i'm not that free and easy with my info - have you seen me give out any codes or any advice which did not put user safety firmly 1st?

attack me when i'm wrong or you think i am by all means - which is often, but don't put words in my mouth or resort to fantasy please m8.

just for the record i am not a cockney, i was born in Stratford, East London. my dad was a cockney so were several of my aunts and uncles all are now passed, so some respect for those who can not answer for themselves please.

we should try harder with the facts - as i'm often told! :rolleyes:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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oh tiidlewink, i'm not that free and easy with my info - have you seen me give out any codes or any advice which did not put user safety firmly 1st?

attack me when i'm wrong or you think i am by all means - which is often, but don't put words in my mouth or resort to fantasy please m8.


insist on having the engineer and master codes are given to you on hand over, you are not on 'Police Response' so do not need engineer resets (which requires engineers code).
just for the record i am not a cockney, i was born in Stratford, East London. my dad was a cockney so were several of my aunts and uncles all are now passed, so some respect for those who can not answer for themselves please.

So I guess your just a muppet then :whistle:

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Guest Cerberus NI

So I guess your just a muppet then :whistle:

Can the customer not request a "non-specific to a company" engineer code to be configured in this case (only asking before the tirade starts - I'll crawl back tp the fire trade section now!!)? :unsure:

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So I guess your just a muppet then :whistle:

oh dear twinkle, nop! but you must be as you reprint an advise to insist on a code from a company, not that i actually gave out the code - so hows your strings doing seen miss piggy lately, i'd use some no tangle shampoo m8



Can the customer not request a "non-specific to a company" engineer code to be configured in this case (only asking before the tirade starts - I'll crawl back tp the fire trade section now!!)? :unsure:

hi cerburus N1,

i totally agree, assuming the systems an outright sale and no maintenance contract exists. if you take a download, any issues over mis-programming can be proved to protect yourself.

i see no conflict in this, as if you buy a car, which is a lethal 2 tons of metal and plastic no one can insist you have it serviced by a particular agent, let alone have it serviced at all for three years if new.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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i totally agree, assuming the systems an outright sale and no maintenance contract exists. if you take a download, any issues over mis-programming can be proved to protect yourself.

what sort of tit sells systems without a maintance contract?

you hard up for work arfur?

I read your long winded verbal diarrhea posts and can

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what sort of tit sells systems without a maintance contract?

you hard up for work arfur?

I read your long winded verbal diarrhea posts and can

If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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well i do and i am no 'tit' mate - but then we come to you.

Well I referred to you as cockney muppet and you complained, so out of respect for you long dead relations I now refer to you as the biggest tit to ever grace these forums

as to legnth of my posts, would you perhaps prefer just some simple pictures like cat - mat - dog - mr happy cartoon?

Maybe if there was a few more pictures in the british standard you would have bothered to read them & maybe would understood a little more

i do have a lot to say, when you know a little more you can then use all that knowledge you gained to write something clever like a name that suits you, and dare i say it with some mature content!

I'll change my member name to arfur_braincel then we can be twins

being an 'Eng' wanna be is just not working to well for you is it (imo)?

I can go a great deal further than gaz ever did but the mods will just pull the posts eng names metioned only for the quote:-

biggest tit to ever grace these forums

credit where credits due :whistle:

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