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Posts posted by secureiam

  1. Don't you find the general public don't know what they are getting and just see ££££, there are many installers???  that are installing diy alarms ome of which are complete tat.


    wrt to nsi and ssaib, it has to be easier for the customer just to see one level, as soon as I see something thats bronze or silver I am expecting a higher option being available and is there really that much difference  except for what you end up being charged?


    I understand I cant join any of these organisation until I have been trading for X, have at least 2 engineers or a buddy, so that the alarms can be dealt with if theres a problem and I am on holiday.


    How much does it cost and whats involved, i asked both organisations a while ago about information and they were very coy.

  2. this guy Steve Scott  has done the rounds before.



    Just starting up and the crooks are alreadly on the attack, someone likes to keep me on my toes.


    Must have got my details from my web site as he dialled the 084 number and a few days ago and thats the only place it was available.  thats a good sign in away, as he was able to find me easily enough so my potential customers could also.


    The 084 number is to be dropped when we launch, the 084 was an attempt to stop just anybody ringing up, but lots of telemarketers have called and this scammer.


    Planning to offically lanuch end of June.


    Scammers will always be around, this guy is doing the rounds in Greater Manchester now and has done other areas in the past, find some details on line from a few years back when searching on his name.

  3. Just to let theres someone offering advertising alledgedly from the police press office.


    Some  Safety/ Security publication, sounded reasonabally covincing except a few things rang alarm bells at he start and towards the back end of the message that was left for me, and after contacting the police they confirmed the scam.


    The police dont do advertising.


    wanted £345 half page and £599 plus vat full page, you pay they run apparently.


    The police advise not to speak to them at all as they record and chop and change to make it sound like you verbally agreed to an ad.

  4. Calibrations are dated and usually allowed a little deviation usually a month.


    In other industries I have worked in you have been allowed to audit or golden sample test to keep a test unit running after the  calibration has expire, once the golden sample or audit sample is showing deviations then your equipment should be recalibrated.


    However it was always the case that the golden/ audit sample was used monthly, and on the odd occassion it showed the device needed re calibrating although  the calibration was in date.


    The problem was if you did it monthly and it fell out of acceptable limits, do you go back through everything for the last month to check it was in rather than out of allowed limits.


    What does it say in the small print of the guidelines you are working to?

  5. surely its better to agree pricing and what they mean by day rates, or wat yopu pay as day rates?


    electric vans dont leave your lights on,

    seen a few charge points at a service stations, are they actually going to be any good at a service station, I thought these things needed to charge over night?

  6. What standard did you use in the panel.


    The Agility  3 certainly cant set the system with the remote 8 button fob when you employ certain standards.


    Thats because you are not allowed to use a wireless fob to set on certain standards, without certain other things being done,(my underatsnding is to stop false alarms by accidently setting the system)  I am sure I can be corrected by someone on the standards, they way each manufacturer interprets the standards and apply their fiddles can get confusing.


    risco have decided not to allow setting at all form the 8 button fob when the standard is applied, which is  strange as you can have a pin entry on the fob before setting, which would be similar to using the keypad which is wireless the only difference is the keypad is fixed and fob isnt,  dont even get me started on the slim keypads which people treat as remotes, they are apparently supposed to be fixed, but its a bit big to put in your pocket.



    if you default the panel in engineering and not the wireless devices or labels you should be able to use the fob to set and unset

  7. Oh the joy, I just did my training on this last week, so don't have much experience on the form filling yet.


    Form 5 minor works, did all the tests etc and identify the supply type etc, just have to remember it when it comes to my first install where its required.


    £400, gettingan expensive do this....lol

  8. @Cubit so not your system of choice then...lol


    I guess if I started to get complaints on a few installs then I would be dubious but i am doing testing at the moment, want to make sure I am happy before I install something different.


    Mind you how reliable is it, find firmware updates are a joke sometimes its like 2 steps forward and 1 back.  Update this  but you need to update something else which you cant so it doesnt work anyway...


    But hell its all good fun and gives us something else to moan at?

  9. lol


    This is also posted on the Texecom installers forum, and hes  confirmed its working after recieving some guidance.


    Just be uncanny for two Mancuians to use the exact same problem phrase around the same time, but not impossible.

  10. lol the licence pays for the bbc as thats how its always been funded and as for USP, the licence fee doesnt sell it for me at all, just a necessary evil.


    I am sure they can  work in something that doesnt run to overkill with ads every 5 minutes like many commercial channles do now,  between programs and start to reduce the licence fee.


    have you looked at the rates for advertising around core shows and sponsoring programmes  we could seriously reduce the licence fee, if they had a few shows sponsored and a break at the begining and end of each show, as I do like a brew whilst watching the box

  11. reading this thread makes me feel almost ready to pack up and go home.


    Every system has its quirks, when you are used to them it makes life much simplier, given all the threads and experiences to date theres not one manufacturer  today that hasn't had an issue or 2.


    I am familiar with Texecom and getting to grips with the Risco stuff, and touched on other equipment.


    Back to the original question of the thread, the FM works fine if its setup correctly, first thing is to make sure the system is setup as 0UK rather then the default value of 0EN, I had a similar issue when I was first looking at the kit.


    The signal strength, you should calibrate and adjust for noise, I have texecom hard wired and wireless around the office and using the Agility 3 wireless no issues, not to mention wireless heating controls and not a problem at all with intereference on any thing.


    If you are struggling their tech support people should be able to help.

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