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Posts posted by secureiam

  1. Depends on how far you want to take this, I am only aware of 1 person making a legal challenge (so they say) because the engineer wouldnt release the engineers code/ or reset it to the default.


    Based on that case I would say it is possible to make the engineer change the engineers code and provide it to the end user.


    However I would expect a fee to be paid, that fee should be inline with there fees to attend site and perform a minimum duty, as the process is short it should not cost any more than there minimum. Any system where the engineers code is disclosed to the end user loses their right to any warranty that would normally be offered.


    In my opinion it would be unreasonable for an engineer to disclose an engineers code that compromises all his systems, or for any system they are offering any guarantee or responsible for. All my clients that request the engineers code are told that by doing so there is no warranty as I can not guarantee the integrity of the system it then becomes a choice. The engineers code where its displayed in full prior to being changed, is changed before the end user changes it to their preferred code.


    That is reflected on their receipt.


    I went and fixed a system last week changed the engineers code, the customer said and I quote "I want the engineers code so I can maintain the system".


    Which you may consider a bit strange because they were playing around with the system, got it in a mess and called me to sort it out in the first place.


    Fine, I changed the engineers code to the default and let them change it to something else (they let the property), showed the system working and advised them that beyond that I can accept no liability for any future issue as I have no control of the system.


    The codes can be defaulted on that system even if its a ball ache by a competent installer.


    My customer is always right, but as a result of their decision may lose some of their rights to warranty.


    You simply cant expect an engineer to be responsible for a system if the end user has access to the engineers code.

  2. surely the other issue is what do the units need power wise to function as that may well vary from equipment manufacturer.


    then given that the performance of the batteries varies significant based on the power they are drawing, so how much power does the wirless units draw, then you could get a better idea of which battery to opt for, but lower draws would suggest duracell or panasonic.


    the right battery would be based on how it handles the demand from the device it is in, duracell seems consistantly good on all these test curves?

  3. Don't see how the notifications would work on the old premier 24 panel as you have nowhere to program the ip address or port of the server, also the app is using a protocol that the premier 24 does not support.


    A com ip module / com wifi will work with premier panels that dont have an option for comip as you just need to know what ip address the module is occupying to connect, don't see how the notifications would work though as there is no ip out programing, would love to hear that was programed



    You could use the online keypad program for Windows/ dumb down Wintex access for customers, which can be used via dial up/ or ip on the old Premier 24./ cant use on the elites.


    The app does not use encrypted coms at present. The encrypted UDL as GalaxyGuy points out is so that someone  cant see the true UDL code for the panel, its decrypted before its sent unfortunately. You can sit and watch this on the comport on the panels keypad if you want, and compare it to using wintex keypad, which is encrypted as far as I can tell anyway.


    Think I have a video clip somewhere using the online keypad with a premier 24 over ip.

  4. My customers seem to like The Risco App over the Texecom one as its simple, a lot less messing about.


    However my customers prefer the look of the Texecom gear in general to Risco stuff.


    There are pros and cons for each, the Risco cloud appears to behaving itself (tempting fate), not all the risco devices are two way at present but many are.

  5. set my clients up the free no ip ones and whilst theres not millions out there I havent had any problems with noip.


    after 28 days of no change the free no ip account emails you to manually activate it or lose it.


    set this up with routers or DVR/NVR's,only problem I do have is one system using Sky service keeps resetting the port forwarding when its updated.


    I can see from the no ip that the ip has updated, and just go in and reset the port forwarding in the sky router and everythings back to normal.


    Just wish the sky router stopped rebooting/ upgrading and wiping the details out.

  6. it would be nice to have it available across all platforms, not sure even a largish screen phone is suitable, I use a 10inch tablet upgraded to windows 10 so not a major issue for me.

    May be its a new manufacturing company that is starting up that sold up a few years ago?

  7. Update, he had changed a lot of settings without understanding there implications and just put things back to how they should be with the zones programed for the appropriate function and wiring type.


    So the panel was arming in 10 seconds (instant), exit settle time was set to 10 seconds, rather than the 30 seconds programed for exit. if you hadn't exited within the exit settle time the panel was failing to arm, if leaving immediately after starting the arming process the alarm panel set.


    Picked up by listening to the arming process over the phone. Not always easy to convey via forum or email.


    Problem at that point was keypad having a different address than they thought and that keypad address had no area assigned (so trying to arm instantly), assigned keypad to area A and then it behaved as it needs to.


    20 + plus zones wired up eol, given other posts on here don't sound so bad from a complete diyer.

  8. Hi and welcome,


    The most important thing is to check what your insurance wants, they will dictate which security grade you will need/ can have to be covered. (there is an echo in here).


    The higher the risk the higher the grade of system you need.

  9. Insurance is only any good if you have a claim and they pay out, until then you don't know how good or bad they are.


    I have public liability 5m and product efficacy 1m cover via Principal Insurance Brokers Ltd T: 0161 972 2753, actual policy with AXA.


    Just renewed and were offering a competitive deal at the time

  10. It is programming and keep loading in your wintex profile will not help if the profile is wrong.


    do screen shots of wintex profile or reset the zones to guard access via zone setup on the keypad and then change them back to guard access and don't change anything else. not default the panel then load in your wintex profile.


    Still having problems show your wintex profile, on either site you are requesting help from.


    Its expected that the pirs in the hallway of the exit route are likely to be activated and hence why they are guard access not guard.

  11. I agree with making sure its fully tested, that includes updates to fix one problem which appears to break something else because its not been fully tested before being released, it does slow down the release process mind.


    Being able to have mutipul connections to the panel on the same module, ip modules for example often only allow one connection.


    Keep anything that's on view sexy, there is so dam ugly kit about and customers are getting more vain.


    Expandable panels to go either hard wired or wireless.


    Panels that are truly expandable to utilise every zone its capable of using any of the technologies, rather then having to make up the total between different technologies


    Updating of firmware notification required with what its fixed in the mail, the ability to update panels firmware and peripherals remotely via ip, without losing data from the original configuration.

  12. seriously pirs on the exit route set to guard access and they should work, if you have been playing with the attributes, get to the keypad, go to zone setup, go to the zone and put the zone to not used and then back to guardaccess and leave alone do this for the zones affected and then try again.


    If a guard zone is active during the set it will say that its preventing it from arming a guard access wont as it is expected to be active as its on the exit route.


    Sounds like you need professional help to look into what is happening as the whole story just isn't there at the moment.

  13. I find it hard to believe that an alarm engineer isnt aware of the difference betweena speaker and a sounder or how to turn the chime on a panel they normally install.


    I think you would benfit from the training courses Tavcom offer.


    I wasn't impressed with the mains course at all, yet passed with flying colours, they didn't cover the paperwork side very well at all, however the support afterwards asking to clarify a few points did help eventually.


    Which alarm course/s are you going on?

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