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Posts posted by secureiam

  1. How about inviting Risco here to hear those out with issues that are getting passed by the first line of technical.



    My concern is it going down, its the fact that Risco say it isn't and clearly theres more than one person having issues, so operator error is more unlikely.


    Then there cloud doesn't appear to be truly a cloud, a cloud is to consist of several units to maintain operation should one part of the  system go down, or so i thought.

  2. i have had a problem with the cloud connection only to date, but ressolved and the ip was temporary blacklisted and my system stopped access until I said trust regardless.


    During the training course, it was highlighted about calibrating for noise and upping the noise threshold by 10, which is stated in the manual. not doing this could cause devices to be lost. given how this point was emphaised I took it as being a critical step. your devices should be above the threshold when you test them.


    typical noise should be below 25%, so the threshold would be typically be below 35%.


    What noise levels are you getting, and what is the threshold set. if the signal is 35 or above from a device in this example it shouldn't be lost.


    You do the noise calibration, and then check every device is  above the threshold thats set.

  3. You can change how the Texecom dialler responds, at default its code or restore, but you can change it to retore only or code only or nothing.


    On Nothing  once its started the process it wont stop, even if the trigger has been restored until ts gone through the motions, you can get it to dial everyone, by changing the acknowledgement type.


    Acknowledge only, will stop calling the person that has acknowledged the call and dial the next in the list when the call is ackwnoledged (texts are automatically acknowledged), Stop calls will stop the system from dialling anyone else once a call has been acknowledged by anyone in the system.


    I think its better to have it on nothing and stop calls (unless using text), so that someone that acknowledges the call is the one that deals with the problem and it doesnt dial anyone else and it doesn't matter if the bell timer is on for a short time.



    Depends on what you can do easily at the panel end I guess, but the dialler is very flexible.

  4. Yeah i thought that when I first read it, in fact read it about three times and wasnt 100% sure afterwards what was going on.


    V+ to contact 3??, .

    He probably has an R8+ and got a little confused reading the installation manual, as I don't get the connection hes tried. OR

    Hes thought theres a communicator on the panel but not connected to the output because it actually doesnt have a terminal block as would be the case on the R8.


    So trying to cover the last possability just in case.

  5. If its an R8 rather than an R8+  then he needs to connect to the bell trigger as the communicator outputs are only on the R8+ and Excel panels.


    The +ve and -ve from the panel go to the +ve and -ve on the dialler, then its bell trigger or communicatotor output 3 to the the dialler.

  6.  dont want to sound condesending, but anyone that thinks working for yourself is a walk in the park then they are on a hiding to nothing, just don't think the obvious needs drilling in, but I am sure all those starting out including myself  would like to thank you all for highlighting how difficult it  can be.


    Enough  for me more pressing things await.

  7. lol its a simple positive thinking frame of mind.

    I know this may be alien to some.

    Being positive doesnt make you sucessful but it can help and not everyone will succeed thats just life.


    Actually some people find negative comments can spur them on more helps them try and prove their point.


    Lets face it the only people to gain from becoming the next big thing is those involved and its only them that would lose out if it goes tits up.

  8. If you borrow then you have to get the work or go bust.

    if you are self funded you have to get work in to make it viable.

    if you dont try you'll never know if its the opportunity of your life time, dont ever live life with what could of beens.

    Give it your best shot.

  9. There are lots of things that can be done for free, as they are free dont dimiss them. Nothing to lose but a little time.

    I certainly couldnt afford ads around popular tv soaps or to sponsor them its silly money.

    leaflets are cheap but delivery can be expensive 50,000 leaflets can cost 230 plus and delivery on top or you can do it yourself, Oldham theres about 80,000 households so a leaft distributor told me i am sure you can do the maths

    Local radio, local papers, silly trade review sites have to watch those as the leads can be expensive and lead to nothing. Try some and ask for a trial and make sure thry use the correct locstion and servive details msny out you up againt 3 or 4 other companies.

    Word of mouth is free and probably the best advertising you will ever get.

    Life is hard sometimes just have to crack on nothing ventured nothing gained

  10. Well I am starting up also.

    get your name out there, wrt to budget do what you can thats free and find the best value price for what your paying for, and watch out for the scams as i was approached last week and would be a waste of precious money.

    You have to find out what works for you.

    The sub work will help,

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