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Posts posted by petrolhead

  1. Shame, out of all the companies we get deliveries from their drivers were always helpful and drove respectfully in a residential area, one of the better carriers. It always surprised me that at initial we had to use DHeLL and not citylink who were owned by initial at the time.

  2. Can you book me in for a couple of brushed silver assa locks for the house and one for the unit, and i'll even give you a 20 you can keep the change. Not in any rush bud, 6-8 weeks is fine.

  3. £20 commision to the engineer for a lock swap? You said the other day your company charge the customer £5 for a lock swap. Some of the things you come out with are just plain odd. Are you now saying that on top of 28 days holiday you get an additional 7.4 weeks of holiday as time in lieu evey year for doing standby 1 in 7?

  4. Dunno about that. Website looks half arsed enough to belong to someone who thinks because they put a sparkrite special in an orion and gripfilled a swann to a gutter they have 17 years alarm trade experience.

    Hopefully the username is just a coincedence

  5. Its combined warden call door entry, the apartment station contains the interface for the pullcords and the receiver for the telecare devices in that area of the building. Dont touch it unless you know exactly what you are doing. If an old dear has a fall or a heart attack and presses their pendant or has a seizure or a fall and their seizure or fall detector fails to signal the investigation and analysis goes a lot deeper than an nsi or ssaib audit, police call you in for a chat to explain your actions. £200 is cheap for chubb community care?

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