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Everything posted by norman

  1. I thought he meant aesthetics? could you not mount one in something decorative? http://www.voiceoff.com/cgi-bin/commerce.exe?search=action&template=PDGCommTemplates/voiceoff/searchResultSounds.html&category=2804#soundcat_19 http://www.voiceoff.com/cgi-bin/commerce.exe?search=action&template=PDGCommTemplates/voiceoff/searchResultSounds.html&category=2802#soundcat_19
  2. I'm not familiar with the unit but prefix the tel # with either a * or a P
  3. Just as a flip side, I reckon there wouldn't be anything he wouldn't do for a double sausage and egg McMuffin
  4. Nah, he'd be squealing like a pig if gaz was balls deep.
  5. And if GB was a body, Brum would be the arsehole.
  6. Because Birmingham doesn't have an airport...
  7. It may be purely someone who wants a company that complies with current regs, in which case he'll still need 3 other quotes...
  8. lol I liken him more to Potter, accent and all...
  9. Advise them unfortunately everything in business has an associated cost.
  10. Never fitted one, but are you sure it's not line in and out?
  11. Ask Chunky, he's got a couple of accounts
  12. I'm that cool I was looking for the re-tweet button on that comment.
  13. You really are living the dream.
  14. Problem with kids nowadays is they are not exposed to germs etc. All this antibacterial stuff makes us more susceptible to the things it's trying to protect from. Hardcore.
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