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Posts posted by Rulland

  1. That's a bit harsh Peter, Swann rubbish!, rip it out!, junk!, £200+ down the drain!....


    Hi Blazincannon, welcome to the forums, please excuse Peter, he tends to be, well rather, shall we say, passionate some times as far as respectable kit goes, as do we all:D


    So as per his post tbph.



  2. Hi Lyn,  unfortunately we don't give out defaulting info on the public side, best bet is to call an engineer in, not a hard task to reset it, but it could maybe do with a service and battery change whilst your on, so it's worth it tbh.

  3. 3 minutes ago, james.wilson said:

    who is responsible for the system? ie from an insurance point of view?

    Everyone by the sounds of it, very grey area in the event of an insurance claim being made.


    Insurance company...'So Sweety who actually maintains your system to ensure it will perform as required in the event of an intruder intrusion'.

    'Well we all dabble'.......

    Goodbye insurance claim.

  4. You are correct James, but where I do position a mag on the 'wrong' side of the door for aesthetic purposes, it's an area where access has already been granted by fob or the person has been let in by a employee etc so anyone wielding a screwdriver shouldn't be there anyway, that's the theory.

  5. As Peter,  I have installations where the mag is on the 'unprotected' side of the door, because it saves on silly amounts of z brackets etc and looks the part with just the mag on the frame, nothing looks worse than chunks of ali bolted to the door.

    RA suggests one can't get to the mag connections whilst the door is closed, so customer is happy on all counts.

    Imo the same goes for wiring, use common sense and initiative.


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