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Wireless versus wired

Guest David graham

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Loads of good ballanced stuff Colin.

I'd say that the firm I currently work for, we've probably installed aprox 6 (Class 6) wire free systems in the last 8 months and I've made quite a few contributions on this in the Trade Forums. Only one install has had minor problems & we've been happy with this kit sofar, although I admit that my knowledge of RF etc is limited.

Pete's comments I also accept, as a previous firm I worked for had a similar experience with the kit (won't name it in the public forums) failing to perform, but it all tested ok and worked fine when checking it. The MD had to grovel his way out of it.

As an MD (Pete that is) has far more to loose if a client decides to try and pull his pant's down on such an incident, whereas the manufactorers will keep on pumping out the kit regardless, so I fully understand his concerns / comments. However, I've known the odd wired system to have a PIR slow to pick up too. Who can honestly say that all of their systems installed, no matter how well maintained will never fail to perform?

I've said this before in the Trade Section and I'll say it here, but I'd have much more time for any firm / saleman that was honest enough to say to the client that all I want is your money.

You can dress the firm up as much as you like, spouting DD243 & the spectre of EN 50131, but at the end of the day, it all boils down to securing the job.

I've known in my time & working for different firms, many total fruit cake clients, who will not under any circumstances, no matter how detailed we go into discussion with how well we can hide the cables, accept us disturbing their carpets, which have probably been soiled at some time by their dog or Granny anyway.

Some I've walked away from, some I've put in a stupid quote, where one backfired on me, where I got the job & had to do it, but if I don't install a wire free system for a client that insists on it, then one of my competitors will and I'd much rather have the money than them and I know that they feel the same way about me too.

We do give several pages of pro's & con's in our spec's for wire free, detailing sleep time & battery life etc and the client does sign to say they understand & accept this.

The wire free stuff has got better, but for peace of mind, I would prefer to install a wired system.

Chris :boxing:

Chris Teague (Sales & Operations Manager) Sightguard Intruder Division

Covering the Isle of Wight: - Design, Installation, Maintenance & Takeover of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms & Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, Nursecall. Keyholding Service, Guarding & Cash in Transit. SSAIB & NICEIC Registered Tel 01983 884000 / 884440

Any comments / opinions posted could be the voices in my head speaking, but they are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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Also if the doubters say wireless is ****, I take it they don't use Dualcom or Redcare GSM and wireless sms devices.


But they both have a hardwired connection, so a wireless intruder system would have to be hardwired aswell as wireless ?

So whats the point of a wireless system, and if somebody breaks in with 15mins of the system setting are the PIR going to alarm or go back to sleep ??



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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But they both have a hardwired connection, so a wireless intruder system would have to be hardwired aswell as wireless ?

So whats the point of a wireless system, and if somebody breaks in with 15mins of the system setting are the PIR going to alarm or go back to sleep ??


Most wireless systems have cables :yes:

Depends on the products you select, whether they go off or not, the point is that the old predjudices still exist and some of you dont seem prepared to accept that technolgy changes and it can get better. We have dimissed wirless on numerous occasions, but the products are developing and we cant siply keep our heads in the sand yes maybe as early as three years ago "Wireless was ****" but there a new products out there that are effective and meet the needs of many an installation, but like wired it needs to be selected according to risk and the environment surrounding/within the property to be protected.

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P.S. I am not intentionally attacking any members of this forum (including you smarty) I am entitled to my view as you all are yours, I still have the greatest respect for all you guys that install wireless, but what I dont understand is what you think you are saving by using it?



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I only charge a little more for replacement service and do do a full system check including battery checks only adds another 10 to 15 min on the service time for me personally. But like you say Pete every one is different and I do respect your beliefs on wireless. And yes If I did not have a hard wired system or environmental RF from a Vodafone mast and Tetra site then I would fit a class 6 wireless to my own property.

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What does wireless save?
Nothing Pete. As I've said, if they want it & nothing else will convince them otherwise, then I'll install it for them, as per all the info & disclaimers I've mentioned & can issue. I don't want to save, I want to make money ;)
As a NSI gold company we have to monitor all false activations complaints and problems with all products and everything we produce.

So do we as an SSAIB Company :boxing:

BTW Colin I dont dismiss wireless I just wouldnt trust it to protect my family and property, so why should I treat any of my customers any different.

Confused from IOW :w00t: But you are prepared to treat them (clients) different by installing it? Or did I miss something? I see you have not installed wire free since 03, but if asked & pressed, you would to get the job right? I would ;)

Chris Teague (Sales & Operations Manager) Sightguard Intruder Division

Covering the Isle of Wight: - Design, Installation, Maintenance & Takeover of Intruder Alarms, Fire Alarms & Equipment, CCTV, Access Control, Nursecall. Keyholding Service, Guarding & Cash in Transit. SSAIB & NICEIC Registered Tel 01983 884000 / 884440

Any comments / opinions posted could be the voices in my head speaking, but they are my opinion only and do not represent those of my employer or Company

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So the girl said " thats it I want wireless! " till I explianed that no wireless panel (except the diy solar power rubbish) has a wirefree bell. Hard wired system sold with coving going up in the lounge the week after the install.



Wrong, Honeywells Domonial has a wireless External Sounder.

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Wrong, Honeywells Domonial has a wireless External Sounder

Have they sorted out the problem with the bellbox batteries failing after a few weeks..?


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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