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What is "bells rearm" ?


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I cant tell you to open the panel - you could kill yourself as there is mains voltages inside.

That particular panel cant be told to flash its version number on hte keypad - No.

Your programming looks right :)

I would make sure you set the bell time longer - then make sure its dialling your mobile through the speech dialer.

If it goes of it would need to be investigated anyway - plus you would know it has gone of because of a first activation on the SD1+

Does the dialler ALWAYS dial - even on a second activation??

The eprom can be changed - but is VERY easily damaged and I wouldnt have thought menvier would supply public.

This was only a thought as to the panel version as I use 690's myself and have alot of them out - some did have version issues.

Please dont go openning up the panel - I think you really need a pro in if you want to investigate further.

If the panel is going into full alarm on first activation and youve set your re-arms to more than 1 - and it does dial your mobile - then providing you respond when it goes of the first time - you shouldnt have a problem.

I know this isnt ideal though.

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Thanks for the info !

I *did* install the system myself, so I am okay with opening it up etc - I mainly do CCTV and that, this is my first foray into actual alarm systems.

Anyway, the label on the chip says v5.4.05 - so I have the lastest edition with all the fixes ?

About the dialler - I'll plug it in again and try it tomorrow (don't want to try setting this off again tonight for fear of upsetting the neighbourhood).

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No probs - didnt mean to patronise you :)

Ill keep thinking and get back to you.

as stated by another user of this board it is the 690 isnt it? - and not the newer little brother 590?

Is it a 690ID or a plain 690?? - I think by your version number it must be the 690 - looking at menviers site.

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S'okay, no offence taken. I'm also a computer programmer by background so I'm more than miffed at a dang 'puter getting the better of me :yes:

Yep, it's a plain TS690.

If worst comes to worst, I'll factory-reset the thing and start again but I'd love to know where it had originally gone wrong.



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O well, me out of ideas...

You could try tommorow a complete power down i.e. remove mains AND batt and reconnect after say 20 secs or so without doing a NVM clear. - You will only loose the date and time doing a power down reset, try this tommorow.

Failing that try the NVM clear or default - and just set the zones back up again and keep default settings to test.

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