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The Secret That Dare Not Speak It's Name..........


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Near to where I was born is a Masonic Hospital, in Hammersmith to be precise. The maternity hospital there where my ex wife my sons and myself were born has been knocked down for housing! The Masonic one is still there IIRC.

Next door to it is a park with a large red ash football pitch. Been there since I can remember. One day at school we went there for our usual match and half way through the 2nd half one of the lads suffered a broken leg ( no not me). One of the teachers ran to the masonic hospital to 1, call 999 and 2, ask for assistance.

They have their own ambulance and crew based there.

They refused the assistance, saying none of the people there were or could prove they were masons.

Do not know what else to say, we never found out what the outcome was.

Not being adults we were obviously left out of any investigation if there was even one.

Still wonder what values they were working to that day.

The lad was okay in the end, leg mended. Shame he had to scream for ages when there was gas and air and doctors and nurses so close.

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All the companys I have worked for (with the expection of the two nationals) the owners have been Freemasons. Have the Masons taken over :rolleyes: but more to the point how much of an influence have the Masons on the Alarm trade?. Can you run a successful alarm company without being a Freemason? :cold2:

I have two Freemason halls on contract for both CCTV and intruder and Im not a mason, yet two of the directors of one of my competitors are both masons and members at one of the halls I look after.

I may of only worked for 7 companys so take out that leaves 5 but I know of at least another 7 companys whose owner is in the brotherhood, is this the only way to get big contracts? :fear:

You say that as if its a bad thing that you havent worked for more, as an employer reading your CV alarm bells would start to ring (Excuse the pun) you dont sound that old mid thirties Id guess going through 7 alarm companies could only mean two things, your no good or your never satisfied either way your no good to me.

Ignore the last statement if your over forty or the first 5 co's have gone bang

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Depends on the situation really.

I "left" one company because they sold the contracts. Few years later was asked back.

As I said you need to look at how and why things happened.

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Depends on the situation really.

I "left" one company because they sold the contracts. Few years later was asked back.

As I said you need to look at how and why things happened.

Ive seen your CV P and I can read between the lines, my comment was directed at the fact that the op implied that it was a bad thing that he had only worked for 7 co's

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cheers Peter, I did know what you meant.

Was just clafiying for others.

To boast about how many worked for can be a shot in the foot thats for sure.

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