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I would think you may be looking at the wrong customer if they can't get £300 for an alarm.

Explanation needed I think, around here as everywhere else we have massive Unemployment. But we also have a lot of big estates within a 20 mile radius where crime is rife & people need Alarms but can't afford to pay for them outright, so I thought maybe if Finance was an option they may change their minds. Was on an estate last week & talking to a woman who has been Burgled twice in the last 6 months & want's an Alarm but has'nt got the money to pay outright.

yup, and scary how many erm residences they are on (the piss)

I don't do the Piss heads or Druggies, they can fend for themselves.

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as james, look to finance yourself. we did (v early 80's) rentals. need cons licence & credit check facility, thats abt it.

at the values your looking at, not much to make a finance house excited.

I wouldn't do it with the type of customer specialist is talkin about, they will all be CCJ hoarders.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, have to say some of them have surprised me a bit. From a personal point of view I don't care whether people live on a Council estate or in a Million pound house i've done them both, they still get Burgled & have a right to Security. Whether they can pay up front or need finance is their Business not mine, & gotta say i've met some really nice genuine people on Council estates just as i've met some rotten thieving T**ts in big posh mansions. And there's also the point that people on Council estates have the possibilty of climbing out of poverty the same as rich people can end up in it. Anyway I think that's about enough for this subject.

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Thanks for all the replies guys, have to say some of them have surprised me a bit. From a personal point of view I don't care whether people live on a Council estate or in a Million pound house i've done them both, they still get Burgled & have a right to Security. Whether they can pay up front or need finance is their Business not mine, & gotta say i've met some really nice genuine people on Council estates just as i've met some rotten thieving T**ts in big posh mansions. And there's also the point that people on Council estates have the possibilty of climbing out of poverty the same as rich people can end up in it. Anyway I think that's about enough for this subject.

Most choose the life they live.

I have my views, i agree not all are bad, just most. I'm not just guessing, i've installed over 500 systems in these shitholes when working for a different firm, all paid for by the tax payer. I think it stinks (no not just the house) why should they get them free of charge?*

*If we are offered the contract when or if it starts again i will have no problem completing the work ;)

ps: your not a smelly chav are you?

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Most choose the life they live.

I have my views, i agree not all are bad, just most. I'm not just guessing, i've installed over 500 systems in these shitholes when working for a different firm, all paid for by the tax payer. I think it stinks (no not just the house) why should they get them free of charge?*

*If we are offered the contract when or if it starts again i will have no problem completing the work ;)

ps: your not a smelly chav are you?

No, but thanks for the compliment. First time someones thought i was that young in years, as for installing systems on Run down council estates: Yep i've done a few hundred myself & yep theres a lot of no hopers on them but nowhere near all of them are like that & my point still stands you can get nice people on the estates along with the bad same as you get scum in walks of life, Rich or Poor does'nt make you a better person. Just a thought: When your doing a nice big fancy house where there's plenty of Money, can you really be sure that it's not someone else's money paying your bill? since a lot of so called Rich / Posh people rip off the Tax payer too, I know I can't.

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No, but thanks for the compliment. First time someones thought i was that young in years, as for installing systems on Run down council estates: Yep i've done a few hundred myself & yep theres a lot of no hopers on them but nowhere near all of them are like that & my point still stands you can get nice people on the estates along with the bad same as you get scum in walks of life, Rich or Poor does'nt make you a better person. Just a thought: When your doing a nice big fancy house where there's plenty of Money, can you really be sure that it's not someone else's money paying your bill? since a lot of so called Rich / Posh people rip off the Tax payer too, I know I can't.

You lost me with that one.

tbh i don't care that much, just not a market i would ever 'aim' for.

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