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I Worry


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Just wait till the new generation of kids starts having kids, I hate to think how bad things will be, and god help us when they have kids.

You can bet your great grandad said something similar. are things that bad really, or d you just hear sbout it more ?

When was something good happy and uplifting mentioned on the national news ? - other than Gordon Brown or Tony Blairs feelgood propogana that is.

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I realy do worry about the future of my children

When things where good


And now :angry2::angry2:


and in between them, you got.


those people had kids, who had kids, who are the do gooder PC brigade types that created a world where the heroes of your ginger joe types can thrive, and influence your kids and mine.

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You sound like a load on whinging old gits.

D'you start every sentence with, "during the war ..... "

Look at the songs in the current top 40. There's some really good music out there.




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You sound like a load on whinging old gits.

D'you start every sentence with, "during the war ..... "

Look at the songs in the current top 40. There's some really good music out there.

SOME yeah ! but the kersall massive aint amongs it..........not just yet anyway LOL

Its the attitude and the content of it that bothers us old gits though.

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You sound like a load on whinging old gits.

D'you start every sentence with, "during the war ..... "

Look at the songs in the current top 40. There's some really good music out there.

3 songs out of 40 is hardly good going is it?

Trade Member

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3 songs out of 40 is hardly good going is it?

I rate 14 of the top 40 .... and definitely not including the X factor tosh and that stupid thing Peter Kay has done (that's the end of him being cool me thinks)




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