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Covert CCTV

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Generally when you stick it inside something else to disguise it. Also by law you have to put up large signs warning people CCTV is active, otherwise you can get done under DPA. Also you have to register with DPR to say you are recording activity for crime prevention and catchin criminals.

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Guest stevevtec

This thread has a certain amount of "stories" being told!!

Heres mine ^_^

We installed (in a previous life) a covert cctv system within the male changing room of a very very upmarket Birmingham gym. They were regularly getting a pick pocket as lockers weren't used.

This was in the days before board cameras and we had to use pinhole lenses that were about 6" long. If you stuck your head above the false ceiling and looked around you could plainly see two magnificent mechano like contraptions to hold the camera and lens at the right angle. We had to "excavate" the back of the tile so the lens could get near the lower surface and paint the visible lens edge with Tippex.

3 weeks after the install we had instruction to remove the cameras and the manager showed us the tape.

A naked guy wandered round the room, dropped his towel and in the process of picking it up, dipped two pockets and got two sizeable wallets.

He was startled by someone coming into the room who turned out to be Chris Eubanks (training for a fight at the gym).

Once spotted and identified, the manager sent a letter simply ending his membership with the gym, no explanation to why (as we had definitely overstepped the mark of privacy).

They also withdrew his girlfriends membership as there were a few incidents in the ladies changing room as well.

There was never any questions raised by this couple about why the gym had suddenly kicked them out. They must have just moved on to other hunting grounds.

I still have the camera and lens somewhere in my garage (kind of a trophy thing). I'll take a pic of it at the weekend and post it. Then you can give me your ideas of how you would hide it!!!!

Steve :P

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Guest Andyp

The link that RICH posted is nothing to do with private individuals or companies carrying out covert surveillance. The Regulalation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 is purely for public bodies carrying out surveillance, whether covert or overt. If you deal with police forces you will find that any operation that they take part in requiring covert surveillance will invole the completion of documents relationg to RIPA2000.

If, as a private company, you wish to carry out covert surveillance you are free to do so as long as you comply with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998 and any other relevant legeslation.

This act states that a covert camera is one that doesnt have signage advertising its presence. If a camera is installed without signage it can only be in situ for 28 days (or 31, I will check) and must be there to detect 'specific criminal activity' ie theft from lockers. You cant install a 'covert' camera just in case!

You must still prepare a code of practice relating to the installation and must make records as per standard installations. You must also ensure that 3rd party privacy isnt compromised as per standard installations.

After the inital 28 (or 31) day period, the system owner must either remove the system or register it and put up signs.

Just to answer eng, in my time at //.National Installer.// (18months ago) I sold lots of covert (hidden) installations which were installed without query.


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//.National Installer.// do install covert CCTV and the kit is openly promoted in their CCTV Catalogue


did!!!!spoke to a salesman who was required to quote for covert job and was told we dont do em anymore..

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must be a branch thing,were less nosey up north,got nowt worth nicking :P


Apart from aircraft wheels, but I think Dave's got the monopoly on that already :lol:



Service Engineer and all round nice bloke :-)

The views above are mine and NOT those of my employer.

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