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Castle Caretech Euro Meridian G2 System


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Sorry dont mean to offend

Not all I am not offended, the company is aproved has all the correct certification, I expect when the need arises to some engineers they stick fingers through lenses and replace batteries when not needed. The impact it has on me is that I will question the bill - will not place too much emphasis on certification in the future and find a local engineer who is known or learn it myself.

I expect a lot of you guys come across this all the time, meet customers on here who have had enough of the cowboys.

Any way no one answered my question :) by swaping the resitor and the blue in the photo does that mean the PIR is now incorrectly wired??

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While we dont know the full facts id careful critisising them without their defence. If they did put a finger through the lens then id definetly complain.

When you say correct certification? what do you mean?

No-one should replace anything that is not needed.

And yes we have all had enough of the cowboys and they need to be removed

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ah ok so it wont make a differnce either the blue wire or the resitor can be in either one of the places. Many thanks it does seem to be woking jsut worried i may have it wrong way round should be able to sleep better now I know I can get on with it tomoz :)

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Guest anguscanplay

just a quick question - are you trying to refit the detector the old company removed somewhere else in your property ? just if it does have a hole in the lens, a new one would be a better idea


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just a quick question - are you trying to refit the detector the old company removed somewhere else in your property ? just if it does have a hole in the lens, a new one would be a better idea

No this is actually a new detector and an addition to the the system, I wanted to do it to build a better understanding of the system and think about additional expansion in the future.


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