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Dialling In To My Alarm?


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Hi All,

I've got a Texecom Veritas Excel PCB with matching text and speech dialler, which has been working fine for two years now since install (I'm really pleased as it was my first ever install in my first ever home and i owe it all to this forum and the people that posted to help me, so thank you everyone first of all!)

In my 'destruction' manual it says i can remote reset the alarm, but i am not too sure what this means. Can someone advise me please?

The alarm calls and texts me (and the rest of my friends and family) when it activates but i'd really like to be able to silence the sounders remotely via my phone if possible. Can this be done and would i need to buy any additional stuff?

Thanks in advance.



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Hi All,

I've got a Texecom Veritas Excel PCB with matching text and speech dialler, which has been working fine for two years now since install (I'm really pleased as it was my first ever install in my first ever home and i owe it all to this forum and the people that posted to help me, so thank you everyone first of all!)

In my 'destruction' manual it says i can remote reset the alarm, but i am not too sure what this means. Can someone advise me please?

The alarm calls and texts me (and the rest of my friends and family) when it activates but i'd really like to be able to silence the sounders remotely via my phone if possible. Can this be done and would i need to buy any additional stuff?

Thanks in advance.



personally i would not advise it as imo a very bad idea indeed.

if your system is reliable it should be a very very rare if ever occasion, and if not please take steps to make it reliable, or you are being very unfair and inconciderate to both to your good neighbours and your key-holders.

silencing the sirens 'add hoc' without investigation could mean giving an intruder, who has not yet left the area, the cover of complacency, the sirens stop so you neighbours think you have reached home or accidentally set it off, the intuder thinks 'thats lucky the alarm has a fault' and likely carries on.

not sure if i read your right, but i sugest you don't have all the key-holders attending, as that is very inconvenient especially to those who come some distance only to arrive and its already sorted, program the dialer to cease after the 1st acknowledgment.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Remote reset is a facility used by alarm companies to allow a customer to ring the alarm receiving centre and obtain a special code to reset their police calling alarm after a valid false activation(like stock fell down in the store-room). I think you mis-interpreted what the distruction manual said,and to be honest,what ol' Arfur says is true. Silencing your alarm from off site is a bad idea in my opinion.

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Thanks for the replies.

I'm able to stop the dialler calling anyone else by pressing a number on my phone to acknowledge the call, so it won't call anyone else. I have it set to call everyone just in case i don't take the call (which is very unlikely)

I was thinking along the lines of silencing the bells so i could listen in to see if it was a genuine break or false alarm. (I take your point about leaving billie burglar to think his lucks in. Hadn't put too much thought into that one. D'oh!).

The reason for wanting to silence the bells is my folks are a bit technophobic and struggle with the whole alarm resetting malarky especially under the pressure of the alarm bell. If they visited to water the plants etc when we're away and set it off in error i could listen in and hear them fumbling and reset it remotely for them. They can't call me as the alarm has grabbed the phone line at this point.

The alarm has only gone off twice so far in two years, once when the postie tried to open the garage to leave a parcel and once when the misses opened the landing window without turning the part set off. I'm really chuffed with the quality of the alarm and the lack of false activations that some of my neighbours have from time to time.

I tend to be the only key holder that attends if my alarm goes of as i'm a traffic bobby so my response time is pretty good ;-)

If i respond to enough alarms i'll catch billie burglar in the act one day!

Would i be able to hear what is going on inside with the bells going or could i silence internals and not externals? Or should i just stick to how things are? It's working fine so why 'fix it' i guess.

Thanks for your input, really appreciated.



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Thanks for the replies.

I'm able to stop the dialler calling anyone else by pressing a number on my phone to acknowledge the call, so it won't call anyone else. I have it set to call everyone just in case i don't take the call (which is very unlikely)

I was thinking along the lines of silencing the bells so i could listen in to see if it was a genuine break or false alarm. (I take your point about leaving billie burglar to think his lucks in. Hadn't put too much thought into that one. D'oh!).

The reason for wanting to silence the bells is my folks are a bit technophobic and struggle with the whole alarm resetting malarky especially under the pressure of the alarm bell. If they visited to water the plants etc when we're away and set it off in error i could listen in and hear them fumbling and reset it remotely for them. They can't call me as the alarm has grabbed the phone line at this point.

The alarm has only gone off twice so far in two years, once when the postie tried to open the garage to leave a parcel and once when the misses opened the landing window without turning the part set off. I'm really chuffed with the quality of the alarm and the lack of false activations that some of my neighbours have from time to time.

I tend to be the only key holder that attends if my alarm goes of as i'm a traffic bobby so my response time is pretty good ;-)

If i respond to enough alarms i'll catch billie burglar in the act one day!

Would i be able to hear what is going on inside with the bells going or could i silence internals and not externals? Or should i just stick to how things are? It's working fine so why 'fix it' i guess.

Thanks for your input, really appreciated.



Hi James,

can i 1st say a big up 'RESPECT@ for the job you do - and will you also be my keyholder :whistle:

fun aside, the dialer could be confgured to silence the internal speaker so you could listen in, depends on the dialer used. some will do this when you send another command after 1st answering the call and during the message, you can even shout 'stop thief' through the speaker and give the kindly old neighbour a heart attack when watering your plants :lol:

i've never set a system up for this as i'm in favour of a loud enough noise causing the slimy little creeps ear damage if possible.

the sequential dialing is fine, there is a setting where all key-holders are called even if an acknowledgment is made, and i thought thats how you had programmed it.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Hi Alan,

I'd be everyone's keyholder if i could, just to increase my chances of catching the scumbags that prey on peoples homes. I think i'll follow your method of trying to deafen them with the sirens then. :lol:

Many thanks for the advice. Really appreciate it.

Kind regards,


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Hi Alan,

I'd be everyone's keyholder if i could, just to increase my chances of catching the scumbags that prey on peoples homes. I think i'll follow your method of trying to deafen them with the sirens then. :lol:

Many thanks for the advice. Really appreciate it.

Kind regards,


I would recomend a master blaster in the lounge thay wont stay around 2 long with one of them going off lol

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pmsl I remember fitting a Master Blaster in a customers tiny two bay garage once and me apprentice was at a loose end so I told him to go study the panel and connections I'd made, much to my shock and sudden deafness for two days as i pushed in the fuse spur the master blaster went off!!! Turns out the over eager apprentice saw a "loose" connection and decided to wire it in for me, as I crawled out of the garage on me hands and knees his only words were "sorry mate" at which point I asked him how much money he had packed me kit up and went home leaving him to get the bus.

Ahh the good old days of install lol

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pmsl I remember fitting a Master Blaster in a customers tiny two bay garage once and me apprentice was at a loose end so I told him to go study the panel and connections I'd made, much to my shock and sudden deafness for two days as i pushed in the fuse spur the master blaster went off!!! Turns out the over eager apprentice saw a "loose" connection and decided to wire it in for me, as I crawled out of the garage on me hands and knees his only words were "sorry mate" at which point I asked him how much money he had packed me kit up and went home leaving him to get the bus.

Ahh the good old days of install lol

ooh NASTY those master blasters are definitely very load if triggered especially when they are not ment to be triggered. im surprised H&S havent said anything about them yet.

"If you carry your childhood with you, you never become old. Why rush to end life when happiness is in the blissfulness of childhood innocence."

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