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Help - Connecting Pir With Remote Led


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Hi All

Can someone tell me how i would connect the Remote LED terminal to a Galaxy 16+ for walk test mode

Dont know which terminal to connect it to on the pannel

the pir is a KX10DP

thanks in advance.


an output which turns on in walktest?

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Sorry to be think i can not see that connection on the PCB which connection is it (see image attached)

you have programmable outputs bottom right of the picture, so you need to program one of them to give a positive voltage output when you put your system to 'test' mode (thats why they call the programmable :rolleyes: ).

a far simpler option is fit a simple toggle switch to turn on/off the LED's when needed, and then there is no need for al that bleeping noise either during testing.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Andyrav those look like Pyronix PIR's which is what I have. There should be a jumper on the PCB in the PIR which in one position means the LED's are on and in the "parked" (placed on half of the jumper so no contact) position the LED's do not activate. I just left mine in the on position, did my walk test and then left them like that, flashing on and off when you walk by. Technically this would be frowned upon as it means someone would potentially be able to scout out a route which didn't make the PIR's activate (although if they're well positioned, this shouldn't be possible). The other option is to park the jumpers in the PIR's and try to program an output on the Galaxy to be 0V when you go into walk test mode. I didn't look any further into this but if you really want to go that route I can have a look for you. Otherwise just do the walk test and then open the PIR's and park the jumpers...

ETA I see from your diagram that you do indeed have a jumper for said LED's. Hello Arfur :)

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a far simpler option is fit a simple toggle switch to turn on/off the LED's when needed, and then there is no need for al that bleeping noise either during testing.



So you don't test the detectors operation to the panel on service :no:

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So you don't test the detectors operation to the panel on service :no:

:hmm: you know what antinode, that has to rank as the daftest challenges made in a way to embarrese me i can think of, and there has been a few to many on here to chose from.

so tell me oh wise one (because this old duffer can't work it out for himself), how on earth would fitting a switch to disable the LED's ever stop him, you or me for that matter from walk testing properly? when he wants to he turns on the switch and puts panel in to walk test or don't you know how walk test works?

for you info, you can walk test with or without the LED's on - well i certainly can :yes:

he wants to disable the LEDs (for whatever reason) so i gave him a simple effective solution, not suggesting it is what i would do, as i know (just like you) how to wire them 'properly' and program the panel as needed.

where as the o/p (with all respect to him) don't know, or he would not be asking us engineers now would he? :no:



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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What did you mean by "no need for all that beeping during testing" then? :rolleyes: I'm not sure how you can verify the correct coverage of a PIR without the LEDs enabled either "for you info, you can walk test with or without the LED's on - well i certainly can"

Perhaps you should think about how you word things in the public forum...

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