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There is talk of a (or possibly several) disenchanted Baxall creditor(s) filing a suit against the former directors for malpractice.

Whilst this is both interesting and welcome, it could be unwise for any posters on this forum to voice opinions that might undermine the case.

Just when you thought it had all gone quiet!

Mind you I've heard so many rumours and talk, I'm not waiting with baited breath. There is also a difference between breaking the law and just making plain bad decisions. We all know now that KPMG were in advising the directors for quite a time before we went under, so I'm not sure how this would work.

Funny that you said it was welcome though, do you know some little tidbits that the rest of us don't, or is it just plain revenge your after?

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Just when you thought it had all gone quiet!

Mind you I've heard so many rumours and talk, I'm not waiting with baited breath. There is also a difference between breaking the law and just making plain bad decisions. We all know now that KPMG were in advising the directors for quite a time before we went under, so I'm not sure how this would work.

Funny that you said it was welcome though, do you know some little tidbits that the rest of us don't, or is it just plain revenge your after?

Certainly not revenge. Although I have zero liking or respect for any of the ex-directors (well, the ones in 'at the death' anyway...), they did me one hell of a favour by getting me out of the place and into more rewarding and gainful employment.

I say 'welcome' because of various rumours (totally unsubstantiated by anyone reliable, or they wouldn't be rumours, would they...), which, if true, would mean that such a suit would be welcome on moral and ethical grounds. I won't say more for fear of prejudicing any case that may be being brought.

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I'm absolutely gutted baxall have gone under, GUTTED they were true masters in the field of CCTV (perfectionests) even when it came to the packing of there products, you was over whelmed with the way it was packed, speicaly molded spongers ect, they are loved and will be missed. :(

(Baxall & Dennard) are like pea's and carrots, fish n chips, salt and vinigar

the only two that are (in my eye'e) up to the british standards and i live in hope that some Wealthy Individual thats mad about cctv and loves baxall starts it back up, It could happen :hmm: and i truley hope it does.

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Wounderful, i thought "i wounder if dennard will step in" and they have :) AWESOME

i know business is business and its all about monie BUT NOT ALWAYS sometimes it is love for what your doing and baxall LOVED cctv. just look at baxall pyamid, I bet it scared some of the others (to death).......lol.

ive now just bought a Baxall ICE+CM2XUTP/LV camera, god man, cant wait until it comes (like a kid with a new toy)........lol........(its for myself to play with)

our country has got two names, united kindom and great briton, but the "great" bit is slowly loosing to money and we all have to Recognize this, what was metal is now plastic :unsure: our country is being flooded by cheep jap **** plastic domes :smash: and the like :angry: we've got to fight back if you do not want to see dennard going the same way :fight: . I for one will not fit or suport anything that is'nt made in the UK from now on, as long as my hands and know-how can install cctv

for shops, homes and the like, it will be and always will be, baxall cameras/telemtrey/recievers/vivid "and" dennard houses/heads/infrared/dvr :) outside this, and i'll wash cars for a living instead.

another thing, is it just me or is LED infrared scrap, ive played with them, and they do work but for some unknown reason to me, i just dont like them, i cant gel with them, and point blank refuse to fit them. im probably just set in my ways (39yrs) I'll be like vicktor meldrews in another 10 years.........lol

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If you think you'll be like Victor Meldrew at 49, I think I've already beaten you to it ;)

Before you get too excited about buying British, in the interests of accuracy I should perhaps point out that in the great scheme of all things CCTV, there is now very little that is actually made in the U.K. :(

Whilst a nostalgic view of Baxall may be understandable, for anyone that was trying to repair their cameras back in the early '80s, they may not necessarily totally agree with you :lol:

Also if it's any comfort at all, it's probably not really fair to make comments about Japanese built products, as they themselves are being significantly underpriced, by some highly questionable gear coming from factories in China, Korea and Taiwan. That said, many of the biggest and best known brands are themselves sub-ing out production to plants in those same countries.

So bottom line really is it doesn't necessarily follow that the gear comes from the same country as the manufacturers headquarters, and country of origin these days tells us absolutely nothing about build quality or reliability.

In the early days of UK manufacturers like Addlestone, Baxall, Bellard, Cotron, Dennard, Dicon, Frowds, Molynx, Shawley, Visual Contact (to name but a few), life was so much .... less global ;)

Well at least good old Addlestone are still going :D

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