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Is This Setup Any Good?


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Now thats again where you jump to conclusions, 1st of all, you have no idea of my background in anything, and just because im not a installer of alarms by trade, doesnt mean that everyone who isnt, is clueless.......

And how can you say the security is now worthless, thats like saying for every engineer/installer who knows of a pin to disable a alarm has now made the system worthless, or like saying a locksmith who makes keys has now made all locks worthless....

the installer being a friend and myself being a it/comms person (also use 2 fit auto security), i show a interest in exactly how things work, studying the installer notes, normal user manuals, checking out forums etc to know what it is and how it works, and that then teaches you in the event of a problem how to resolve it.

im sure angus your going to come up with another comment, and im sure your little side kick terrywit will be right behind you.....

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.......if its fitted properly to the current regs you shouldnt be able to

does that mean if everything is fitted to current regs that once its fitted that no body would ever beable to disable it? its not like i have a power on/off switch to the panel.... the ways i would disable it, is the same was you would...

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Guest anguscanplay

.......if its fitted properly to the current regs you shouldnt be able to

does that mean if everything is fitted to current regs that once its fitted that no body would ever beable to disable it? its not like i have a power on/off switch to the panel.... the ways i would disable it, is the same was you would...

and now your dying to tell everyone how you would " disable the alarm " just like a pro would - as i said he`s made your security worthless

hmm wheres my side kick terrywit when you need him?

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how could i tell you how to disable it?

I should of been a bit more clear, i shouldnt of used the word 'disable' more like im aware on how its fitted, the setup of menus, and how to diagnose faulty through panels and cabling, so im in a better off position to rectify problems, there isnt a fault at this time, and im sure unless a pcb went wrong then it should be fine, theres no one way i would of had it setup to make it so simple to just take the power/backup and rip the siren off the wall to make it stop.....

out of interest angus how do you define worthless...... if i said theres my house, alarm is going off, u got 2 bbackups outside blairing away and 1 internal bb in your face, how would you, a skilled installer make my setup worthless? remember in order to install a alarm successfully you need to think like a skilled burgular, wheres the panel? how long do i have? whats the comms like? etc.....

And as a friend installed it with me helping, and had much more time to hide things, im very sure you'd have problems find the kit, and from a race from the front door, i could turn it off quicker than you could in a fault.....

So after my long winded post, im saying that as i know where it all is, how it was installed, routes to all the cabling, comms etc, power, and codes, and other things that i am in a better off position to stop it....

Just like a installer of any alarm you would know the best/quickest way to do things as you installed it...... remember its not always about the alarm it also about how its fitted which makes it a quality install....

Anway these posts are getting long winded and really are just going backwards and forwards, untill someone gets the last word.... anguscanplay, you can have the last word, make it a good one, as people will read these posts, come back with a sensible post, something mature and openminded, something that others can take away and think that was the post of all time..

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