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Is Ifsec Going To Be Not Rubbish This Year?


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IFSEC time, and yet again I am making the annual trip to stock up on pens and mint humbugs.

Is this going to be yet another wasted trip?

It's alright for the reps and people from Gardiners - they go for a booze-up and general misbehaviour. My experience for the last six or seven years has been rubbish. Are we going to see yet another expansion of the CCTV village where the big boys show off their best domes and conveniently don't know how much the kit costs; and a plethora of CCTV importers that will sell you cameras for

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My first visit to IFSSEC (yes the extra 'S' is correct - International Fire, Safety, and SECurity Expo) was in 1979 at Olympia when my company exhibited a new product; among so many innovative products from all over the world that you could spend several days and still not see it all. The last time I went was 2005 and I had pretty well seen all I wanted to see by lunchtime. :(

My interest is principally in Intruder and I reckon most of the stands were something other than Intruder. Those that I did want to see were more of the same - it's a mature industry now with little or no excitement. Now, the year Modern Alarms had a stripper doing her thing in the aisle was altogether different! :P

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The Organisers are making a big thing this year about their new villages dedicated to physical security, manned guarding and IP market places.

TBH I have a floor plan of the show pinned to my wall (we are exhibiting, I am not sad enough to do that for any other reason) and the CCTV Village is smaller than previous year.

At the end of the day though, the organisers are going to be driven by the exhibitors.

If you fancy getting smoked, you can visit our stand with pleasure @ 19217.

Got some new gear this year.

CYA there if you come.



Matt Gilmartin, Sales Director

T: +44(01205) 821111 | F: +44(01205) 820316

info@smoke-screen.co.uk | www.smoke-screen.co.uk

Head office:

1-2 North End, Swineshead, Boston, Lincs PE20 3LR

Registered in the UK no. 2728491

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If you fancy getting smoked, you can visit our stand with pleasure @ 19217.


Hey Matt, have you got an extraction pipe this year?

Have you got the same stand?

My friend wants to know if he could grow cannabis in your green house dome thingy between shows? ;)



Communication is "A question asked, and an Opinion given." I offer mine to help you with yours.

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Hey Matt, have you got an extraction pipe this year?

Have you got the same stand?

My friend wants to know if he could grow cannabis in your green house dome thingy between shows? ;)


That must mean that the last time you came to see us was 4 years ago (dome reference: it was only used once).

Erm extraction pipes are not something we need as we manufacture hepa filters that filter out to the sub-micron particle level (used to filter asbestos particles for instance).

People like the Atomic Energy Authority and British Nuclear Fuels use them (and in fact our smoke machines to challenge the efficacy of the hepa filters themselves).

Because our smoke (fog....whatever) is a fog that has been independantly particle sized (by the AEA) and found to produce an MMD (Mass Median Diameter) of 0.2 micron particles, it makes it the most suitable for this application..........as well as being among the safest (consult NIOSH for their independant report on the effects of various sized particle on the human respiratory tract), and the dryest (refer once more to the AEA) on the market........worldwide.....period.

That said, if you are really interested, and want to have a look at the research, I will post the reports here for your perusal. They're a bit dry though (no pun intended).

Not sure about the canabis plan, we have a few too many police visiting our offices.


Matt Gilmartin, Sales Director

T: +44(01205) 821111 | F: +44(01205) 820316

info@smoke-screen.co.uk | www.smoke-screen.co.uk

Head office:

1-2 North End, Swineshead, Boston, Lincs PE20 3LR

Registered in the UK no. 2728491

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The Organisers are making a big thing this year about their new villages dedicated to physical security, manned guarding and IP market places.

TBH I have a floor plan of the show pinned to my wall (we are exhibiting, I am not sad enough to do that for any other reason) and the CCTV Village is smaller than previous year.

At the end of the day though, the organisers are going to be driven by the exhibitors.

If you fancy getting smoked, you can visit our stand with pleasure @ 19217.

Got some new gear this year.

CYA there if you come.



Hi Matt,

if your demonstrating, how is anyone going to find anything even the bar let alone your stand :whistle:




If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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Hi Matt,

if your demonstrating, how is anyone going to find anything even the bar let alone your stand :whistle:




Come along and find out ;)

Just don't bring your bike into the hall.......you will embarrass all the siren and klaxon manufacturers as their products will be drowned out.


Matt Gilmartin, Sales Director

T: +44(01205) 821111 | F: +44(01205) 820316

info@smoke-screen.co.uk | www.smoke-screen.co.uk

Head office:

1-2 North End, Swineshead, Boston, Lincs PE20 3LR

Registered in the UK no. 2728491

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