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The "4 Fitted Camera's + Dvr For A Grand" Question!!!

Mike J

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Hi All

Just after an opinion on this one. I dont usually do things on the cheap if I can help it but I have been given an oppurtunity in our local village to offer a fixed price installation that the businesses can take advantage of.

There are about 20 shops in our village.

Afte a few discussion, we came to a 4 dome camera system with DVR for around 1K and that appeals across the board.

My question is, I have accounts with the likes of G-TEC, LJD and Metalilin which I have used for bits and pieces in the past but is there any quality in the products being offered here.

At 1K, you guys know how much I want to pay and I want to get the job done in a day so any comments here are appreciated.



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1k for 4 domes and a DVR including fitting?

I'd walk away.

Agreed! and dont fall into the trap of thinking cheap at first then charge propper on future works! if they want it for peanuts now they will want it for peanuts later----walk away--but explain the reason ---if they have sense they'll call you back ---if not its not worth it any way.


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All fair comments and appreciated. However, as a small business, walking away from 15-20K of work at a decent margin which will keep me busy for a month seems a little crazy!!!

This is not to win repeat work and raise prices in future, its helping a community.

My question was more for commenting on products in the low price bands and whether there are actually any half decent product out there that wont go on fire within 4 weeks of fitting!!!



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All fair comments and appreciated. However, as a small business, walking away from 15-20K of work at a decent margin which will keep me busy for a month seems a little crazy!!!

There's not a decent margin in it though. Materials will cost you over a grand so basically you'll be working for nothing, or less than nothing.

The only way to make money on this is to fit some complete **** that won't really be any good, and that is why I'd walk away. If a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly.

If you're that desperate for work find some subbing to do for 4 weeks. Even if you charge 100 quid a day you'll still be earning more than you would be fitting 20 **** systems and your name won't be mud when they all stop working.

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Even if got the cheapest cack you could get your hands on you still would make no money

and you would have to look after it for at least a year. Yes your turn over will look good but what good is that if your working for free?

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Disagree with this...

You can put in a system and make money from a grand, 420tvl domes don't cost much, with budget DVR

you will make money without comprimise if your carefull...

Granted i would not do it now we are established but it can be done

Good luck

and write some exemptions into the contract to cover your ass


Just Priced this up and you can make

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