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Posts posted by ElecTech

  1. Well been for a few interviews last 2 weeks been to one today seems like a really decent firm tbh from the rest that ive seen, i could see myself being there a long time to be honest. Everything was offered from the outset aswell which was good, Didnt think i sold myself enough but can only hope they seen the potential in me. Plus theres a lad where i work who says to me if had your knowledge i wouldnt be sat here, so i can finally tell him i am leaving haha, :). All my fingers and toes crossed. If i hear back from the chancer firm probably turn it down, As job security & progression at the top of my list


    Least your honest... :-

  2. Where are you from? Certain countries block some sites for all sorts of reasons, or phone providers putting blocks on things?


    The Samsung DDNS would only be hitting the DDNS servers and displaying the info on his screen?


    I know the middle east has big restrictions??

  3. You've port forwarded to your own computer by the looks of it?? Port forward and the DMZ is set up for the IP and looking at the /ipconfig it seems is your own PC? You should be port forwarding to the CAMERA address which is by the looks on your settings!


    Change the 7 to a 8 and it should work. But like above, also change to static...


    Change your port forwarding and DMZ to the ip address

  4. You've port forwarded to your own computer by the looks of it?? Port forward and the DMZ is set up for the IP and looking at the /ipconfig it seems is your own PC? You should be port forwarding to the CAMERA address which is by the looks on your settings!


    Change the 7 to a 8 and it should work. But like above, also change to static...

  5. For me that kind of changes the scenario in the fact he may never have employed anyone before so is probably being cautious, I can only think it is a workload issue for him and not the fact it's your capabilities he doesn't trust?

    As warren buffet says "never test the depth of a river with two feet" LOL

  6. Seems they lack confidence in you before you've even started, for me the interview stage/recruitment is exactly that, to recruit the right person and be confident of there capabilities from the off, I understand a trial period incase the employee has some how fluked the process but at least provide the facilities to see what they can do and that includes vehicles in my opinion. 


    I know it can happen and will happen that someone turns out to be a pile of sh*t but you should be given the full perks from the start considering you've been offered the job.

  7. If you can wire, then wire, if you can't wireless is a good secondary option... Dependant on the factors above.


    If it's a toss up, then wiring is always the best bet. 


    I hardly fit wireless or do domestic installs really but by all accounts the 2 way wireless is secure and yes it is safe. False alarms are dependant on what datadiffusion said, you'll never be certain no matter how good the install is.

  8. I don't know enough about the panel to comment on the "sluggishness" but the issue last night sounds as if the PIR (Z04) is constantly open, can you perform some kind of walk test in the menu's and confirm the PIR is going open from closed?


    If it is constantly showing open, then you could potentially have a faulty PIR or resistor issue, try changing the resistor's if that's the case. Or meter out the C/NC alarm contacts to make sure the relay is switching.

  9. You could still notify customers without broadcasting to the public. Even if all my customers were 100% secure, I'd still feel uneasy about such topic discussed in a public security forum.

    The customers that don't get notified are still vulnerable and there'll be many out there that won't.

    However unlikely it is to happen, it's still possible someone can gain criminal value from this topic. And that's not right no matter how you look at it.

  10. No, engineer code, is mostly on-site alarms and doesn't bring up a menu screen when connected ,unless you know the make perhaps

    DVR do bring up menu , but again who cares on low end budget bought with not much else on the network

    Of course the £300 brigade installing in our local businesses will be causing problems , but again you want to pay for rubbish then its what you will get

    I eat waffles for breakfast

    I don't actually know what your on about Elec ?

    I'm merely making the point that the site now shows back doors to any CCTV system in the public arena, if that's what EVERYONE agrees with then fantastic but I don't agree with it and that's my opinion. And that's what a forum is all about... opinions...

    It's hardly off topic debating if "the topic" is sensitive or not. Do we start a thread "the below thread - sensitive or not" not sure?

    no I see that if your security system you provide is used to compromise other networks, ie people working from home for talk talk, Barclays whoever. Does any of us carry enough insurance when it happens and its a supplied and maintained bit of kit. I was concerned about the signalling gear than this. But do understand liability.

    No but your system will be ran through the mud and how funny if they got the info to do it from your own site... :)

    And it's not just the £300 brigade as mentioned above... The "expensive" DVRs can carry the same issue.

  11. It's been viewed by tens of thousands already, so the cat is out of the bag.


    That's it then, just leave it for the next 10,000 to read...


    My point is, this site in particular is full of security professional's who when it suits act all hush hush about engineering codes etc, yet leave this in public view....




    But anyway enough of that...


    Seems an IT networking guru will need to be on hand to be truly safe?

  12. This surely runs in line with the industry, faults, problems, and business ideas... And has massive reason to not be in public domain...


    If engineer codes are so readily available elsewhere like you said, why do we protect such info? Yet keep a topic like this on public, same vulnerabilities, same damage could be caused getting into the wrong hands.


    Do people see engineer codes as a cash cow if kept secret? And before anyone says, I know money isnt made directly from this site by engineer resets, but industry wise it is... Serious question...

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