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Posts posted by ElecTech

  1. It may very well be sensitive information, but we don't have any such duty of care, and if we did, it is already front page news on regular mainstream, non security specific sites.


    wow...... and the trade RESTRICTED forum is for what exactly? Private boys club?


    I know it's your view and I respect them but your views matter..... You have 8k+ posts.... Your obviously b*lls deep in the site so your view will carry weight!

  2. I really don't understand how anyone could think this isn't sensitive information? Regardless where else you can get it from, we all work within the industry and have a duty of care to stop these hacks/floors become broadcasted to the public.


    Like I said, no problem discussing it with fellow professionals as there's clearly an issue, but not just anyone who can use google. And if its the case other sites have the same info then so be it, but at least someone's DVR didn't get hacked from TSI (a professional security installation forum)...


    I might have it wrong so please tell me if I do and why...

  3. Yeah I agree with a few of the posts, low end of the market wont care less, and chances are will never know about all this unless it hits main stream media, which I cant see happening.


    Saying all that, you say cheaper DVR's... what's a buyer to look for to avoid this in the "expensive" DVR's....? Is there something in the spec we should be looking for that makes it less vulnerable?

  4. Adaptable box and some male BNC throughs would be my first thought?


    Wanted to avoid that really, some kind of rack mounted patch panel would be a lot neater. I have done a few adaptable boxes and they soon become spaghetti junction no matter how hard you try to avoid, expecially 94 cams...


    TP converter rack mount version


    This is Ethernet? This is an analogue coax system.

    Nvm... May have found the product...




    Kill two birds with one stone.

  5. Anyone know of a loop in/loop out coax to coax panel 16 way? I literally need to move 3 DVR's from a rack and the cables need extending so far, ideal solution would be to replace the DVRs with a patch panel with loop in and loop out?


    Kind of thing attached but cant seem to see anything... BBV do a loop in then loop out x 5..... :S I literally need 1 x loop out per channel.


    The pic does do the job but it is a protocol RS485 serial telemetry converter and is pricey for what's needed.


    Any suggestions...


  6. I know it's not what you want to hear but I'd consider binning it... Save up and buy something up to date and with good support.


    You might get a quick fix and some how fluke it to get working but long term support is going to be sh*te so you might find yourself in this situation again a year down the line?

  7. found odd things with dvrs-keyboard or modern all in one tester would call menu but dvr wouldn't or needed more than 1 try

    Don't suppose this was with DM (SD advanced) I work on a lot of these and find I'm forever re entering the input for menu control. All over BBV-C. May be different with a hard wired rs485... I find commands quite slow

  8. Unless someone got the Basson knowledge to share-

    Rig up on a bench, when powered up it will probably display protocol & baud rate,

    Adjust your keyboard to whats displayed or start with pelco d / p

    & keep punching buttons until stuff happens / I'd guess coming from todmorden the extra finger on each hand can only help as you be pressing lots of buttons ;)


    This is your answer for now...

  9. Hi,


    I always thought a Balun was completely passive and literally converts a pair from Cat5 straight through to coax... I'm just wondering why is there such thing as HD baluns rather than standard baluns... Clearly the balun does more than I thought? Anyone have the answer...



  10. Well I have a security background but business partner is electrical, and yeah your right, people will always venture into other markets that "seem" close enough to them, especially when the project manager turns around and goes "can you do the security as part of your package" and away they go. Although our company is only security and not electrical install!

  11. Query regarding the installation of maglocks...


    I was reading BSI "access control guide" and found the following quote...


    "If the electromagnet is mounted on the top of the doorframe it is important that it does not restrict the height through the door sufficiently for it to become a health and safety issue. There have been a number of incidents where people have injured themselves on overhead electromagnets mounted on the doorframe."


    By reading that, I presume it is the engineers judgement on whether or not the maglock has restricted the height sufficiently for it to be a H&S issue... I suppose a Z & L bracket can be used if applicable to get the lock itself out from under the door frame, I'm just wondering what everyone else does i.e. use there own judgement or a blanket decision not to fit them under the frame and use Z & L's...


    By the way I'm talking about the 1200lb big locks not the 600lb mini mags!

  12. Can anyone suggest any pros and cons for the different methods of sending signals to an ARC, there seems to be a lot of choices but if i'm truely honest I dont know enough about each to make a decision as to which to use.


    Anyone care to explain the differences and which one is more effective?


    I tend to use enforcer wireless panels for a house install or a castle dependant on cables, which method would you send the signals to the ARC... (keyholder only)



    SIA 3


    Fast Format


    They are just examples of what I've seen in the programming!


    Just signed up with an ARC and looking to get our first job on key holder only for now to test the waters...



  13. Query... I am not in the Fire industry mainly security only... My question is, do you need the BAFE badge to maintain a fire alarm?


    Presumably this is an insurance company that specifies the type of company it wants to maintain the system?


    And is BAFE needed 100% for monitored fire systems...? If so what about "bells only" type?


    We are NACOSS silver but hoping to get into the fire market, just doing the research and putting a few training courses together... I constantly come across "maintenance packages" but always refuse the fire...





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