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Everything posted by NotHeardofThat1

  1. If you're getting heaps of call backs, have you ever thought it could be down to the subs installing it? The best gear in the industry won't help that
  2. Well I can compare it for you, if I take overtime every week, so Mon-Sat, I'm still not on that salary. Get 28 minus bank hols, But I do get the van for personal if I put a bit of fuel in so don't need to fork out for my own car outside of work and all tools, etc provided (zero expense to work for the firm). No call outs
  3. I thought 26k was reasonable before reading the comments. I'm in the SE in a small firm
  4. I'm thinking of using this for my own place really. I can use IFTTT to make an iphone push notification when an email is sent, (and blue strobe philips hue lamps but that may be a bit too qwerky!) never used montex either unfortunately, I would need a server/PC running all the time for an email to be sent? Starting to wonder if gsm module would be better option, but that'd mean paying for a static IP sim card when I'll be paying for 152mb broadband already! 2400 sms seems expensive over landline, especially when some one leaves M-Maintenance on while servicing.... Lol
  5. Never used one, but always wanted to. I know that you can use iPhone apps with com ip but how can the module notify the client without an ARC? Can it send emails? Thanks
  6. If you're having the power off and on for a while and the bell has no battery backup, why not just down power while they are working on it? (As in remove fuse & battery leads within the panel)
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