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Everything posted by matthew.brough

  1. How important is the IP camera integration as this stipulation has just rules your list practically out and the equipment that does have that integration is very expensive and pro panels only. What do you want the cameras for? Alarm verification or CCTV?
  2. Oh. So you're trained to wire up dis boards and ring mains but what you actually do is play with alarms and life safety systems? I must remember to call the plumber next time my car has an issue. Maybe visit matalan when I want to do the food shopping.
  3. Can't be a proper engineer so like gaz, lectures those that do without actually doing it themselves. Armchair experts. It's laughable. Came on here because couldn't wire up a r8 but is an expert on everything else.
  4. How's that then? My insurance policy does not place a risk assessment before each job as a mandatory requirement. I must congratulate you. Until your arrival gaz was the member who had his head in the clouds. You've got your head way above that and make union boy seem half plausible.
  5. 1 in 2003, some 11 years ago and before firing bullets you maybe should so some homework on many successful entrepreneurs. Hardly a clean run for them either. They crooks too? One thing is also a certainty, unless I decide to become an employee and never raise above the rank of gofer, it will happen again. I'm not expecting everything I touch to turn to gold. You think that will stop me going through acquisitions knowing that at least one of them will not be successful? Like **** it will. Correct me if I'm wrong but you have never been an investor, director, shareholder with material interest in any company?
  6. Not you then, is it? Your hanging off someone else's badge. You didn't earn it. There are no rules. There are standards that if you fancy, you can comply with. Equally if you can't be arsed, you don't have to bother as there are no mandatory rules. All mouth and no substance, as usual. Has he bollox. He has a choice, as does everyone else.
  7. They all work as I use them all the time! Anyway off to sleep now. Normal service will resume tomorrow. Quite easy in my condition
  8. Yes if you know the correct letters/symbols to use. You can't select them like you can on a PC. So for example is : then ) or whitle is : then - thiking is : then h then m then m then : etc
  9. Gutless wonder has been online. Seems not so gobby when I return . . . Now that hardly sounds like me now does it? I think you'll find fruit phone needed it's 6 hourly pit stop.
  10. It shows Not tonight, tired. That will take hours of debate. Game for it tomorrow though
  11. Yes Absoultly including user codes incase any wannabe sparks come alarm experts want to fit them so you'll be fine Texecom uses high tollerance fuses so you might not recognise them as fuses. To assist I have pasted a large version of what they look like. Normally, yes but in your case I'm more interested in meeting you in a car park with an ak47
  12. The best form of flattery is imitation
  13. Indeed. I'm waiting with excitment for him to return
  14. I'll have you know I vet people to the published rules. Nothing more, nothing less.
  15. Your webways have just gone up to £300 per year He's not available at the minute . . .
  16. I hope he does. It will be my absolute pleasure to process the application Well that is a surprise . . .
  17. ******* lol indeed. Seems I need to catch up on my threads. Back soon I hear you have a little problem with me? Well lets hear it.
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