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Posts posted by norman

  1. If possible I'd look to make sure that the cable is not going to short again. If you've damaged it with the drill and are confident enough I'd look at maybe putting a junction box in where the damage is but you'd need to isolate the whole cable from the panel before doing it. 

  2. Tbf I'm not concerned (should I be?) I've not owned a phone since 1995 and this current S8 thing seems to be great on the battery, the Mrs phone is <£200 and she uses her bedside one (5.4v) to charge 99 percent of the time anyway.


    Does the additional 2v really cause that much issue? 


    We have a couple of Galaxy Tabs and a kindle that often get charged on it and they are fine tbf. 

  3. I've got the same but it has a fly lead. 


    Anyway with the multi meter most are between 4.9c and 5.4v the one I use the most in the kitchen is 7.4v!


    And one of the two in the daughters old room are 0v.


    All are different makes bought at different times but all match in each room if that makes sense. 


    Looks like I need a couple new ones. 



  4. 4 hours ago, sixwheeledbeast said:

    I feel they have far too many issues to be worth it.

    A lot of them are shoehorned into the outlets free space with no thought on quality of the power supply.

    Even if they supply the correct voltages from new (a lot of the cheap ones don't) as it ages the voltage will creep up and will not last as long as the outlet would itself.

    There is a tiny amount of tolerance with USB voltage before batteries take a hit, cheap car chargers can be just as bad for this.

    Cheaper brands it can effect the IR of the device, some brands known to make the USB ports live in a failure of the PSU.

    On top of that there is also the issue you can't switch them off (from a safety or power POV) without doing so at the CU, lack of support for larger devices and/or smart charging.

    In short a bad idea IMO.

    Some good points and I'll look at the o/p voltage on them just out of interest.


    I don't like anything on show so find the convenience overrides the negatives for me at least. 

  5. I have them all over, probably get better ones now tbf and I did wonder about the safety of them when I first fitted them a few years ago but out of probably 12 I've had 0 failures. First ones I bought (I've changed them as I've decorated) were c£30 - £40 iirc. 

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