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Everything posted by norman

  1. I'm that cool I was looking for the re-tweet button on that comment.
  2. You really are living the dream.
  3. Problem with kids nowadays is they are not exposed to germs etc. All this antibacterial stuff makes us more susceptible to the things it's trying to protect from. Hardcore.
  4. I lost all sense of smell and taste about 10 years ago, lasted for a couple of years. I first noticed when I drank some milk from the carton, and never smelt or tasted it was off, I just felt the chunks going down my throat.
  5. Any good for sucking dust off sausages?
  6. Whole scanario is simple, if you don't have anything constructive to say, say nowt. *scenario
  7. I agree and like you have become quite disspondant with it all.
  8. The industry is truly heading for it's ****.
  9. This is the way all home security is heading imo.
  10. lol, that'd be a mighty splat if it did give way to Matts asphyxiation sex game.
  11. careful, seems Google searches may be pulling chunky supporters off the street, before you know it we'll be overrun with anti inspectorate types.
  12. f me it's Barrymore.
  13. ^^^Just another normal evening in Adi towers^^^
  14. Weeks for someone who has a life perhaps...
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