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Keyholders for audible-only alarms?

Guest John C

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Dave had a respondent on about this the other day. I offered a relevant extract from a BSIA document and now attach the whole document with the relevant part highlighted. All things considered it appears to me that due to the lack of legislating intruder companies forces are at hand to drive standards up through other means and ultimately we will end up where monitored systems become the norm.


Zak Tankel - Managing Director - Security First (UK) - www.securityfirst.uk.com

Disclaimer: Any comments or opinions expressed by me are my own as a member of the public and not of my employer or Company.

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What is the reason behind your question?

Audible Only systems don't require "keyholders" per se, although you are supposed to register with your local authority and possibly with the Police as well (with their new scheme)...........not sure if anyone does that though :whistle:

Sounders are factory limited to run for any time up to a maximum of 20 minutes regardless as to whether audible only or monitored.

I asked the question as my alarm installing company informed me by letter of this recently and I thought it might have been mandatory. I didn't really require a monitored alarm and the keyholders requirement is a bit of a pain or a cost anyway. So when this cropped up - I thought I'd have to have them.

Since then, I found out that this is a recommendation and not mandatory.


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