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Scantronic 9752


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Recently had to do a complete engineers reset on my system Scantronic 9752( incl Kirk start pins and NVR etc ) after my installer was holding me to ransom after a fault. I had to go for 'new' install approach to get the installer codes and make the necessary security changes. This obviously meant having to re programme the entire system from scratch which was a little daunting for the beginner. Having followed to book and assigned the zones I though all was going well until I went to leave the installer mode using 99 tick. It began to check the system and returned 'ZONE TAMPER Z01' and rolled out to Z08. I have not touched the PIRs or any other part of the install. Any advice? I did take off the main lid and ran 99 tick and it did respond with LID TAMPER. I replaced the lid and the warning left, thought the others remained.

Do I have to do something at the PIRs to make this work?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

A frustrated 'would-be installer'


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Now you know why you were "held to ramsom".

Hope you change your brake pads/shoes yourself on your car/motorcycle.

You`ll soon see why you pay a professional.

Your attitude is so wrong, you refuse to pay your "pro" come across as demeaning and ask "professionals " for free advice.

Sad, really sad.

Bet the fault is stil there too.

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Your attitude is so wrong, you refuse to pay your "pro" come across as demeaning and ask "professionals " for free advice.

for moment I considered OP could be on my books

after my installer was holding me to ransom after a fault.

why do you fell this way ?

Mr th2.jpg Veritas God

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