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Nature - Just Enjoy And Imagine This Is Yor Garden

arfur mo

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Perhaps I was too judgemental there.

Apology for coming across a dork.

One of each must be a good balance, personally I know my sons cannot come home pregnant.

There is of course other worries.

One worry is my youngest is reaching every top grade in Army Cadets and (13 now) wants to be a soldier. I and I must admit his mother ( Divorced remember) have said if he can carry on at school, do as well as he is doing and we will pay for uni to be an officer.

Other one wants to be a drummer!

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Perhaps I was too judgemental there.

Apology for coming across a dork.

One of each must be a good balance, personally I know my sons cannot come home pregnant.

There is of course other worries.

One worry is my youngest is reaching every top grade in Army Cadets and (13 now) wants to be a soldier. I and I must admit his mother ( Divorced remember) have said if he can carry on at school, do as well as he is doing and we will pay for uni to be an officer.

Other one wants to be a drummer!

Wrong approach. Show talent and the Army will pay for Uni.

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Perhaps I was too judgemental there.

Apology for coming across a dork.

One of each must be a good balance, personally I know my sons cannot come home pregnant.

There is of course other worries.

One worry is my youngest is reaching every top grade in Army Cadets and (13 now) wants to be a soldier. I and I must admit his mother ( Divorced remember) have said if he can carry on at school, do as well as he is doing and we will pay for uni to be an officer.

Other one wants to be a drummer!

I fully understand your concern. Your lad could end up risking his life in a foreign country with a group of guys he hardly knows

...... The other one will be ok though. Soldiers have a cushy life.




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Actually your right, if he keeps on as he is there would be a funding for him anyway.

We (ex and officers and me ) had a meeting and they love his attitude and leadership skills ( obviously developing).

He has several options. I would prefer logistical rather than bullet fodder. But you join up and know you might have to kill or be killed.

Lost a few M8ts from Ireland to Falklands to Iraq/Afghanistan.

They loved their country and died for it.

Much respect to all who serve.

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i can emphasis with your fears and your pride, and your wishing you can let your lads choose what they do but fear the possible consequences.

my lads were not interested in joining the services - way to much discipline exercised, i just can't imagine the torture of the fear mixed with deserved pride those parents have for youngsters who do join up.

as youths all mine were very interested in motorcycles and new i use to ride them. but i lost many good mates and school buddies in bike crashes in my teens and early 20's most due to their own stupidity of youth or poor machine condition - brakes were often a luxury,. so like any perent i'm concerned they will kill or maim themselves.

i might be accused of being overprotective, but instead or outright bans and risking a revolt, i cut a deal as each as they got to right age, if they go for a car i'll help them all i can, buying. lessons, MOTs Insurance costs and repairs, but get a motorbike - you can't even park it on the same street as the house - and i really meant it..

when the youngest finally made his 25th birthday, i returned to riding a motorbike, got roundly called a hypocrite by the now 3 surprised and now angry boys, replied i'll take that, because you all lived long enough to call me one, and so have i

i wish to express my hope for your kids safe futures whatever they eventually do.


If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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You have to let them do what they want to do.

To a bright young 18 yr old who wants to join up, worry is the last thing on their mind.

Besides Paul, by the time he reaches the right age, we should be out of that Godforsaken place - if ever there was a pointless mission, Afghanistan is it.

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Appreciated sentiments. Thank you.

My children have seen me ride outrageously fast motorcycles.

One being even faster than the HRC ( Honda Racing Corporation) funded one. trust me its faster than anything on the road. Magnesium wheels and other such items.

Also I thought I was the best worlds motorcyclist and was a DR for a few years, hence the navigational skills I have. My injuries include broken knees-fractured skull-arms and wrists. Gave up and got a trade instead. I have many friends who still do the "job" and have faired far worse. Yet alive. Mad fekkers.

I want a bike again, know yours but I want a GSX1400 with mods. Big engine, but loads of torque not HP.

Bikes are not dangerous, the flucking idiots in cars are. Trust me lost too many friends to a "u" turn to be counted.

Again thanks for the good wishes.

Gonna kill me when i give oldest his "keys" And he rides off.

But I did the same ( was 14 though) so he has to learn, either the hard way or skill way. Taking him around a few local moto cross tracks has given him ability. But not foresight to other road users.

Cube, was typing when you replied.

Your right of course, as I know and understand they want to prove a point and further on do well ( okies a bit in the future)

All peeps I know in forces are on last of their 22 and do not want to be "Civvied" but they have had such a great life.

Just hope my sons do well and live life to the full.

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