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Almost Complete Dark View


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Hi.I want to ask wich is the best solution for having a good picture of a gate wich is 11 m away from a camera,during almost complete darkness.Wich type of camera should I use(maybe a exact model) ,wich type of IR iluminator.It will very good for me if I can receive screenshots and/or videos with examples of good/working instalations.Thx a lot.

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Cant go far wrong with the above, its good kit.

Or you could just install normal white visible lighting, a lot cheaper and could give you a colour image...

Maybe a security PIR/Lamp unit so it only comes on when movement occurs.

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Kindof think derwent products are in a different league, expensive but darn good.

Never been keen on IR built into camera, can cause reflections, can attract insects to the camera lens, inflexible in being able to direct the IR for best results, IR fails, have to replace the camera also, instead of just the IR itself...

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as above. Derwent, samsung, panasonic etc is top end gear, the other stuff you mention is bottom end gear.

Yes its cheaper but then there is cheaper than the stuff you mention too. But you do tend to get what you pay for.

ps i also think that cameras with led's are a bed idea. Yes they do have limited use but for general purpose illumination no. Ask yourself this. If 20 leds can provide enough illumination why dont you use 20 leds to light your garden rather than a 500w bulb

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Redbull Because you need 500w of white light for the human eye to see and Infra red illumination works at a much lower frequency and therefore requires less input to get maximum output. The Cameras with IR lights around them do suffer from Halo effect if not set up right however the Basson range have IR lighting below the main body of the camera!!.

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Peter Winterbottom



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agreed. However only ccd's manufactured using germanium have a higher sensitivity to the lower freq (ie >715nm) and as such normal ccd's need much more power. While leds can provide short range medium field views, they cannot compete with what i would class as proper IR emitters. I also accept the leds are more efficient then bulbs however they aint that efficient to make up all that difference.

Im not saying that led's are bad, not at all just be careful with the whole 50m claims. Short range close views, high reflectivity scenes yes. high end to replace proper emitters a definete no.

ps i also agree about seperate emitters due to moths and spiders etc.

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i hear you mate.

But this sony thing is a pet hate of mine.

I have an intel chip in my pc but the rest of it is made from cheap tat. But its intel so its got to be good aint it?

while sony are one of the better chips there are various grades as well as quality. One of the manufactures such as paul at sys q would know more about this than me but im sure that certain countries only get certain grades of parts, ie japan get them all, china only get some of the grade (ie not the better ones) but i may be wrong.

as you can tell im not a believer of 'sony chip' = sony camera.

I also dont think sony are the best anyway on their branded equipment. We stopped using sony some time ago due to quailty and performance issues and move over to panasonic for cameras We now use bosch as we cant find anything that competes with them on image quailty and low light performance when side by side tested. But i am currently investigating the samsung techwins.

im also gonna see if i can get an audi engine into an old lada so that i can have a decent car.

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