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What You Got Protecting Your Home?

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Last few years have seen, of the top of my head

A pub shooting (oap killed) (just down the road)

A gang assault on a woman (few doors down)

Immigrant killed in street nearby.

Young lad murded couple of hundred yards away (at most)

Car torched (recently) just over the road

Several burglaries (including nearby houses, and ours)

Couple of our dogs stolen before.

Ladders stolen recently

Attacks on a nearby house recently.

Someone shot in knee, or was it stabbed in knee in pub.

Several arson attacks, including on a couple of pubs, and many empty houses torched.

Sofa dumped and set fire in street.

Gunshots fired in street.

bike stolen from kitchen.

Windows smashed (ours and other houses also)

and probably more, but my memory sucks....

are you sure your called ken..not jonah

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WTF........i used to install void property alarms into empty council houses and install the metal sheeting on properties and even the local folk live in a better place than you lol!

Even Aarons house seems better lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P**s off you smack head.

An Englishman and a Scotsman are driving head on , at night, on a twisty, dark road.

Both are driving too fast for the conditions and collide on a sharp bend in the road. To the amazement of both, they are unscathed, though their cars are both destroyed.

In celebration of their luck, both agree to put aside their dislike for the other from that moment on.

At this point, the English man goes to the boot and fetches a 12 year old bottle of sherry. He hands the bottle to the Scotsman, whom exclaims,'' may the Scots and the English live together forever, in peace, and harmony.'' The Scotsman then tips the bottle and gulps half of the bottle down.

Still flabbergasted over the whole thing, he goes to hand the bottle to the Englishman, whom replies: '' no thanks, I'll just wait till the Police get here."

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