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Intercom (acet)


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Hi everyone,

My name is Otto. I've been looking for a solution for my problem all day. I just found this website using google. I hope you guys can help me with this...

I live in a flat, in UK, very old building. The intercom (ACET) is also old but still works. The only problem is the noise it makes when someone press the bell downstairs (no problem during the communication as I said, everything works). It is just the sound of the buzzer, it is VERY loud!

I've been thinking in replace the original buzzer. I've managed to deactivate it by disconnecting the yellow wire. The intercom still works but now I can NOT hear when someone is pressing the bell downstairs, calling me. If a put it back, it works again. That is the temporary solution I've found.

Connected to the yellow wire there's a device that looks like a inductor as you can see in the pictures attached. Would be possible to replace only the buzzer? How can I replace the buzzer (the device that makes the sound) without replace the whole system?

I've been looking for a buzzer, RapidOnline.com and Maplin.co.uk sell mini buzzers 400Hz, 75dB. Could I use them, for example (considering the voltage, of course)? If not, what would you recommend? I don't really care the type of sound. I just want to reduce the loud noise it makes when someone press the bell..

Thank you for your time, really appreciate.




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I might need to be a bit carefull here as it is most proberbly the landlords system and you should not really mess with it. But you may be the landlord.........This is a common problem. We used to just 'bend' the top part of the AC buzzer up slightly away from the main coil to make it quieter too much and it won't buzz.

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I've used the Insulation Tape trick a few times.......Put a little piece of tape between the main coil and the striker. Sometimes its been between the moving part of the solenoid and the bit it hits, and other times between the transformer and the springy vibrating plate.

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I'll try the insulation tape, some rubber padding or even bending the top...

thank you very much guys for your help!

The problem you may have in replacing the buzzer is that most of the ones fitted in these type of intercoms are designed to run on AC and I'm sure from the picture that yours is an AC type.

Most replacement buzzers that you could buy at places like Maplin are designed to run on DC, it would be possible to experiment with a DC buzzer and a diode but might be easier to try the "mechanical suppresion technique" first!

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AC relay then fit what you want.........

a bit elaborate though when just bending the bit that moves - very slightly or it wont sound at all - almost always does the trick, some peeps have the time and like to play though.

Good solution, if you did that you could even use it to switch lighting for hearing impaired etc.

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