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Security Installer Community

Axis Ip Cam

Alarm Co

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you will need to enter the public ip. your router will tell you what that is

you saying these things like i would know ?

how will the router tell me ???

complete beginner

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The first bit of the challenge is to make sure you can access it on the local network - In other words on the same network and not over the net.

The camera will have an internal IP address (As you have configured and as is listed on the router settings when setting up port forwarding).

Check that you can successfully access it locally and then you know the only issue is getting remote access to it. Get your IP either from the router information or from a site such as what is my IP and then program the port forwarding.

Remember that when connecting locally you use the default port and not the one you forwarded on the router.

Let us know how you are getting on and what is and isn't working so far - we will suss it out between us all.




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