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Engineer? From Hell.


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Does it say Oxfam on some of your vans?

No profit = No Pro to fit

Not saying I want to rip off anyone nevermind old grannies.

If I don't make a profit on work I'm being robbed by myself.

I get nothing for free - staff, vans, fuel, training, insurance, advertising, stock, etc so therfor give nothing out for free.

Respect and reputation are built on trust for both quality and value not freebies or charity.



Sorry Chorlton,

got to ask - whats all this fuss about?

you don't want to donate based on not making any profit thats your choice, no condemnation intended as no requirement for you to do so, just as it's perfectly fine for those who do want to offer a little help and spread a little good will in this harsh world an offer a little reasurrance to someone who had a bad experience. no way should that be be likened to being a cowboy half aresed outfit based on it

it has naff all to do with professionalism. many masively big international companies down to one man bands donate to very good causes - so will that make them all no more than DIY'es then? :no:

the word you should be using is 'charitable', being so just makes me feel a little more human - and a better person for it imo.





If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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By the same token old son you know nothing of me, my qualifications or long trade experience. So what makes you think you have the right to question my professionalism? and as for the no profit bit well maybe not on this one admittedly but in the long run I will gain from it. :angry::ninja:

On a this forum as in life I believe all have the right to question

I did not question or even mention professionalism in any way.

Why you feel the need to attempt to belittle me with the "old son" reference is beyond me.

You state you will gain from this where as I would say you hope to gain from it.

No need to get angry.



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Sorry Chorlton,

got to ask - whats all this fuss about?

you don't want to donate based on not making any profit thats your choice, no condemnation intended as no requirement for you to do so, just as it's perfectly fine for those who do want to offer a little help and spread a little good will in this harsh world an offer a little reasurrance to someone who had a bad experience. no way should that be be likened to being a cowboy half aresed outfit based on it

it has naff all to do with professionalism. many masively big international companies down to one man bands donate to very good causes - so will that make them all no more than DIY'es then? :no:

the word you should be using is 'charitable', being so just makes me feel a little more human - and a better person for it imo.





Alan as usual your not reading the words written.

Where did I mention professionalism?

I do not question the professional job being done merely the rate (or lack there of) being charged for it.

One things for sure iId be very reluctant to "donate" time and materials to someone I did not know.

I'll stick to registerd charities thanks, that way it's both tax deductable and eligible for gift aid.



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Guest anguscanplay
Alan as usual your not reading the words written.

and the February award for stating the bleeding obvious goes to

Big C.

parcel should be with you by the end of the week LOL

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On a this forum as in life I believe all have the right to question

I did not question or even mention professionalism in any way.

Why you feel the need to attempt to belittle me with the "old son" reference is beyond me.

You state you will gain from this where as I would say you hope to gain from it.

No need to get angry.



Sorry but i think you will find you did mention professionalism: No profit = No pro to fit and i.e No professional to fit. As for the the Old son reference I dont know why you feel belittled by it, it is just a form of expression & actually if you knew me you would have known that. Age has nothing to do with technical ability, I have known older engineers who have not really got a clue the same as some younger engineers. I have also known older engineers whose technical ability and the speed with which they grasp new technology astounds me.

As for profit well yes I am going to profit from it as I have already seen a couple of paid installs and got both of them.

Now do you think we can end this & agree to differ?. Regs: Andy @ Amman Security. B) B)

Customers Love us, Intruders Hate us.

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Sorry Chorlton,

got to ask - whats all this fuss about?

you don't want to donate based on not making any profit thats your choice, no condemnation intended as no requirement for you to do so, just as it's perfectly fine for those who do want to offer a little help and spread a little good will in this harsh world an offer a little reasurrance to someone who had a bad experience. no way should that be be likened to being a cowboy half aresed outfit based on it

it has naff all to do with professionalism. many masively big international companies down to one man bands donate to very good causes - so will that make them all no more than DIY'es then? :no:

the word you should be using is 'charitable', being so just makes me feel a little more human - and a better person for it imo.





Thanks Alan at least a few of you understand the priciples of what I was trying to do. If I had known this was going to turn in to a them and us type of discussion I would not have posted the topic in the first place.

Best Regs: Andy @ Amman Security.

Customers Love us, Intruders Hate us.

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Sorry but i think you will find you did mention professionalism: No profit = No pro to fit and i.e No professional to fit. As for the the Old son reference I dont know why you feel belittled by it, it is just a form of expression & actually if you knew me you would have known that. Age has nothing to do with technical ability, I have known older engineers who have not really got a clue the same as some younger engineers. I have also known older engineers whose technical ability and the speed with which they grasp new technology astounds me.

As for profit well yes I am going to profit from it as I have already seen a couple of paid installs and got both of them.

Now do you think we can end this & agree to differ?. Regs: Andy @ Amman Security. B) B)

well the emphasis within your words

Does it say Oxfam on some of your vans?

No profit = No Pro to fit

to say in that way seems to present (an is what i thought you meant) in your view an act of compassion down rates any 'fit' to not being professional, which is not a fair comment.

i'll bet you, as me as the same for many members have been on calls to systems installed by others, where it is blatantly obvious an unfair advantage has been taken of the clients ignorance. where its's companies i'm not so given to be lenient as they often look at the lowest quote without checking the quality or doing any researching.

vulnerable people on the other hand don't have so much awareness, and work on trusting the 'pro' who is recommended, by her own son in this case.

i work 95% from recommendations, other times it's offering services when passing a shop or house having refurbishments done, thats why it bites at me so bad when someone like this causes a bad name for small traders.

if you accept the ripple effect, a bad job done anywhere is a bad advert for everyone in this trade, it also lowers the trust we should enjoy, so showing some humility to help redress the balance imo is payment in kind.

if i'm wrong and there is actually a heaven, might just be handy to have a few credits to hand when approaching pete and the pearl's ;)



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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not my fight put I'll take the bait :ninja:

Does it say Oxfam on some of your vans?

as for charity, a local hospice does good work, gets mone given + grants, free labour stock for their stores given, however the directors still pay themselfs 60K + each

if you accept the ripple effect, a bad job done anywhere is a bad advert for everyone in this trade, it also lowers the trust we should enjoy, so showing some humility to help redress the balance imo is payment in kind.

by that logic all the stairlift, deaf aids, walking sticks, handles by the front door are all givien free that their respected companies?

De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da. De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da

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well the emphasis within your words

Does it say Oxfam on some of your vans?

No profit = No Pro to fit

to say in that way seems to present (an is what i thought you meant) in your view an act of compassion down rates any 'fit' to not being professional, which is not a fair comment.

As I have said already that is not the way I meant it.

I do not know you or Andys quality of work to comment.



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