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Alarm Sounds Without Being Activated. Gardtec Cpx


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odd to you, I assume like BS 4737, :rolleyes: DD243, DD245, EN 50131 / PD 6662, anything by NCAP or ACPO oh BS 7671 springs to mind & not forgetting security screened to BS 7858, all things the OP's firm has paid for, no doubt pricing themself's out the market when compared to "I fit the alarms as sideline to a telephone system" :whistle:

i'm not against 1 year contracts or even 10 year contracts as long as the wording is very clear to all parties' s is the point is was making - obviously not clear enough to you though Dave :rolleyes:

i worked for one firm who signed up customers by being very cheap on installations and what seemed fair prices for the 1st years r&m, next year "due to our increasing cost's" up by 30-60% every year, and they were tied in for 5 years.

personally i feel if you professional enough and use good reliable kit why should the client pay through the nose to line the pockets of alarm companie's, top class installs = low fault rates as simple as so less need for call outs.

proceed to function as you wish, the way i work i do not tie in any clients, kit is owned outright on full payment received. they have the choice to call me or or not if and as needed.

if i do my works badly obviously they won't call so self interest keeps me honest. i don't charge my clients just for the privilege of me being there either, it's all part and parcel of what i do so go's with the territory end of. you may not agree thats fine, i have systems over 28 years old and still functioning reliably, total call outs so far this year for actual faults? = 2 (obviously not including visits for modification and/or builder damage etc) so it works for me and my clients.



If you think education is difficult, try being stupid!!!!

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any thing supplied and sold by any business has to be fit for the purpose from a pencil to an aeroplane, example you buy a Tv or lapatop with a years warranty, it is reasonable to expected life of such products to be about 5 years. so if it fails in 2 years it is not fit for purpose and you can get redress (case history supported by Trading Standards), they can't hide behind the 1 year warranty for protection.

if your alarm if not damaged, misused or mistreated it should last a reasonable time and operate reliably for 10 years or more if maintained properly, bateries have a shorter life so about 3 years for them is fair, though many last a lot longer.

you should be able to expect this longevity, the NSI and SSAIB project installations badged by them and if installed by a registered company will be of good robust design and quality, thats why you pay the extra money. they have laid down standards the installers must stringently observe (and most do to be fair). so if less than say 4 years old and causing problems already which are not caused by you, then you could claim imo it is not fit for the purpose sold, and i'd take it up with your local trading standards office as well as the inspectorate responsible, you have paid for that certificate and so that protection.

calling out engineers out of hours is always likely going to be expensive, but as the system is for you protection that faultless operation is a 24 hour requirement, it is also designed to protect itself 24 hours of the day x 365. you can't chose when it will go faulty, so you might have strong grounds to insist the repairs to silence it were also covered as being part of 'fit for purpose', after all they sold you a 24 hour service did they not and you paid for a reliable system?

to be asked to remove the lid of you control panel in order to remove the power to the system to silence it is just plain unacceptable practice, and potentially very dangerous for the untrained to do. it also should not have stopped your external siren if it has been correctly installed, as it has it's own power source to protect it from intruders doing exactly the same.

you need to complain and loudly



Once more Alan I agree with everything that you say. However, it's just easier to pay for someone else to put it right, I just hope that it won't cost too much.

I think that I'm a reasonable bloke, I just expect to pay a fair price for something, to be treated fairly by the people I pay and to have it last a fair amount of time. The worrying thing that posting on this forum has taught me is that a vocal number of people in your industry don't see it that way and from what I now understand they too think that this is the way to behave. It isn't and they'll get the bad name that they deserve sooner or later.

There simply is no excuse for deceiving someone, even if it is by ommitting to explain to them about an extended maintenance contract. This type of contract isn't a problem if it is explained to the customer, but to hide details in small print on the back of one sheet which made up a 14 page quotation / specification document is simply wrong. It may not strictly be illegal, but it's still wrong.

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Guest Dave the alarm man

missed this one earlier

By having a maintenance contract I'm entitled to an annual service visit, but for all breakdowns and repairs I get 'priority' service and a
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Guest Dave the alarm man
The worrying thing that posting on this forum has taught me is that a vocal number of people in your industry don't see it that way and from what I now understand they too think that this is the way to behave. It isn't and they'll get the bad name that they deserve sooner or later.

this firm been going twenty yrs next june, always done to the correct standards, nearly always held urns', been screwed over by more clients than those who think we've screwed or tried to screw them, would never set foot on a job without contracts being in place, due the clients having problems knowing fact from fiction, the van are tracked & all calls which pass through the office are recorded, now if we did not operate in this manner the people who have attempted to defraud the insurers & the like might have had our pants down

There simply is no excuse for deceiving someone, even if it is by ommitting to explain to them about an extended maintenance contract. This type of contract isn't a problem if it is explained to the customer, but to hide details in small print on the back of one sheet which made up a 14 page quotation / specification document is simply wrong. It may not strictly be illegal, but it's still wrong.

Reaches for the for the kaiser chiefs................ now nobody told me I have no right to copy, hire, lend, play in public, or broadcast my cd :ranting:

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this firm been going twenty yrs next june, always done to the correct standards, nearly always held urns', been screwed over by more clients than those who think we've screwed or tried to screw them, would never set foot on a job without contracts being in place, due the clients having problems knowing fact from fiction, the van are tracked & all calls which pass through the office are recorded, now if we did not operate in this manner the people who have attempted to defraud the insurers & the like might have had our pants down

Reaches for the for the kaiser chiefs................ now nobody told me I have no right to copy, hire, lend, play in public, or broadcast my cd :ranting:

So tell me Dave, which is your favourite Kaiser Chiefs track? 'Everything Is Average Nowadays' or 'The Angry Mob'?

I think I prefer 'Everyday I Love You Less And Less'


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Guys, Please Remember this is the public area please keep your replies helpful and to topic


FCE ( I predict a riot :P)

All comments in this post are my own views and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer

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