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NSI Private Forum

Guest Peter James

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Guest sonic.youth
Some of the things we discuss are covered under confidentiality agreements in our contracts

If that were the case then why don't you set up your group on msgroup or like, so that you have full control over, because as you say its "confidential" but (and this is not getting at you Dave, :) )

Dave has control over the forum (open/closed) and can read all the posts, and works for a company which technically is a competitor to //.National Installer.//.

(Dave if this info is wrong then I apologize)

So this gets back to what myself and others have said why do we need closed forums, anybody who can see the trade forum most be in the trade, then we are all in the same boat, trying to make a living fitting security/fire/cctv etc.

If the forum ends up been split in smaller closed forum then to me, it has lost the idea of why it was setup..

Thats my thoughts on it anyway :D


but as most people know dave is a man of his word and wouldn't disscus private matters with other people,we dont want to set up somewhere else coz we like this site and are grateful for daves knowledge of setting up forums and as bellman says //.National Installer.// engineers contribute as much as anyone to this site not only for dave but any member after info,the //.National Installer.// forum is just for //.National Installer.// internal stuff and by dave being a superviser of it can keep us on the right track,so get off his back and enjoy the site which he puts a lot of effort into and i daresay money.

cheers dave...

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Guest Affinity

Sonic I have just read your comment ..... to be fair I dont think the guys are on Daves back I think they are expressing a concerned opinion which I can see no harm in them doing.

As far as I can see points are being raised which members have felt they wanted answers to and they have received them. A comment was passed somewhere in the postings about things being discussed on the open forum ... that shouldnt be the case as you all know trade discussions should be in the trade section and if they have been started in the main one should be moved to the trade.

I posted in the admin section when I saw the new forum asking why I couldnt get in as a moderator as I was under the impression moderators could go into all forums and I was interested to see what the new //.National Installer.// forum was about.. Dave kindly explained these forums are strictly private and members and moderators are not allowed in.

Oh I see this section isnt in the Trade.....should all this be being discussed in this section???? Doesnt anyone think it should be in the trade section and not the open forum?? I think maybe it should be moved ..... or is that just me??

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Guest Affinity

why? why cant members be interested in a site they support? Do they really have to be nosey???? I would have thought they were interested in improving the trade which is what I thought the site was all about

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I dont see anyone that has spat the dummy actually, in fact i think its been generally a very constructive debate. Bellman has provided a good stance from the //.National Installer.// point of view. Peter has stated his NSI point of view.

There is no problem!

Personally i dont see why anyone needs a private forum and i remain unconvinced although Bellmans post has swayed me a little bit.

I still think an open forum for all engineers is better, usually other peoples opinions are a lot more helpfull and positive and will outweigh them than the negative comments will in terms of value.

Thats why we have a forum isnt it?

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this should really be in the trade section in my opinion also

I disagree, if this post is removed now the same questions will just be asked by someone else who perhaps hasnt seen this post, and all the same questions will have to be answered again.

At least now most questions have been asked and answered, and are here for all to see.

Nearly every forum has private sections that only a few members have access too, the only difference here is im not hiding them, now i know why they say "out of sight out of mind". Perhaps i should have hidden them when i set them up, but now their known and visible there`s not much point in that.

The NSI and ADT member forums are here to stay, I know they could have set up an MSN community or a YAHOO group, but they asked if i minded setting up these forums and I saw no good reason why not too..


Dave Partridge (Romec Service Engineer)

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