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Guest Rocky

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so how do you program your bigger panels keep all you manuals wit you at all times so when a take over comes in at 16:30 you drive there and crash the Racal RS100 and reprogram in one visit. As if you go back you callout rate has just been cut be 1/2.

trust me you will need it and lots more.

Go for it as you know best ... GOOD LUCK you will need it.

I've never used a lap top to date for programming.

I've managed just fine using the RKP for all the Galaxy series (G16's thru to G512's, G2's and G3's), all be it I'm not Glaxy's number 1 fan, it's just what my employer prefers to use.

I carry my library of paper manuals with me at all times.

Appreciate re-visits reduce profits and what not, but again, in my experience once the panel has been identified (a five or ten minute site visit) getting the literature isn't all that difficult.

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What a bunch of negative T***S, If you are at the stage of leaving your job then just do it mate, setting up is not that difficult. Small business advisors will help and Grants are availible to purchase equipment and tools. When we set up in July we got a bank loan of 10 k. Got ourselves a tidy van for 2k, tools, ladders, stock etc, basically we set up for 6k , keeping the rest for wages of a few months, would recomend paying all insurance premiums off in full to cut your monthly bills to only wages,loan,phone bill and petrol.

only buy stock when needed, most people who you install for do not mind paying 50% up front so cash flow to buy kit is not an issue so there is no need for a massive stock level and this stage.

probably biggest problem is advertising, but yellow pages come out in either jan or feb so that should not be a problem. also getting 30/60 day accounts set up is a pain because you need at least 2 company credit references. Dont be proud Screwfix will set up a credit account as will most CCTV Suppliers they just want a letterhead.

We have been going since july 06 and somedays are quite but others are manic and we dont advertise in the yellow pages as we set up after it came out, but we have managed to take a gross income of 36k in 5 months, not to bad in a city full of tight arses.

And if it does go tits up so what ? just get another boring job.

Don't listen to them out there in their cosy towers, deep down they would love to be there own boss, just didn't have the bottle! :ranting: GO FOR IT !!!!!!! :yes:

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What a bunch of negative T***S, If you are at the stage of leaving your job then just do it mate, setting up is not that difficult. Small business advisors will help and Grants are availible to purchase equipment and tools. When we set up in July we got a bank loan of 10 k. Got ourselves a tidy van for 2k, tools, ladders, stock etc, basically we set up for 6k , keeping the rest for wages of a few months, would recomend paying all insurance premiums off in full to cut your monthly bills to only wages,loan,phone bill and petrol.

only buy stock when needed, most people who you install for do not mind paying 50% up front so cash flow to buy kit is not an issue so there is no need for a massive stock level and this stage.

probably biggest problem is advertising, but yellow pages come out in either jan or feb so that should not be a problem. also getting 30/60 day accounts set up is a pain because you need at least 2 company credit references. Dont be proud Screwfix will set up a credit account as will most CCTV Suppliers they just want a letterhead.

We have been going since july 06 and somedays are quite but others are manic and we dont advertise in the yellow pages as we set up after it came out, but we have managed to take a gross income of 36k in 5 months, not to bad in a city full of tight arses.

And if it does go tits up so what ? just get another boring job.

Don't listen to them out there in their cosy towers, deep down they would love to be there own boss, just didn't have the bottle! :ranting: GO FOR IT !!!!!!! :yes:

Very well said, if you dont try it you will only regret it.

Too many people only have negitive things to say and a lot of time its because they dont have the bottle to take on the challenge.

At least in years to come you can say i tryed it weather its works or not, whats to lose!!!

SSAIB Approved.

If it ain't broke, you ain't trying hard enough

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i started wth nothing and have built it up from there. i didnt have msh for the first month or so but after that i have got alot of work from word of mouth.

You will never get rich working for someone else in this trade|

My advice for what its worth is see if you can negotiate a deal with your existing company where you go self employed,that will benifit them while still having you do there work--they could pull the plug though.

It will give you the chance to sort out running your own bussiness with a little bit of security (not much though) and also allow you to develope further contacts before going on to your own company--try to get a few grand in the bank as support first.

Biggest growth is in access and cctv,get trained up on that--intruder is a pit of mad dogs pit now im affraid,when you are ready and have researched enough to feel confident --go for it boy--even if you fail--so what?--just dont lose your house for it---but everything else are just things--good luck--hope these are words of wisdom and not mumbling of a twit--Paul.

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not to bad in a city full of tight arses.

Hello nobody wants to pay for electronic security,

Set up a garden centre, posh hair dressers, estate agents, maintenance company ect

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