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Everything posted by magpye

  1. Of course it hasn't. If it had it would show in the advertising, apart from that it's aimed at the DiY market, no certification required.
  2. I can answer that for you - NO
  3. Version RINS1400-1


    Pyronix V2 Tel Programming and Installation Manual Speech Dialler with Automation Control
  4. 9 downloads

    Installation Manual ADE Accenta 6
  5. 90 downloads

    3 new Menvier panels, released 01-06-12
  6. Many, many years ago I had a friend who worked for a company called Magnetic Shields. He used to give me 'off cuts' of one of their magnetic shields, they were like pieces of soft black cardboard about 4 or 5mm thick. I used to cut it to fit the size/shape of the magnet to be fitted and used that as the spacer, absolutely no problems, even the heaviest magnet would not 'stick' to the most solid metal door. Wish I still had access to this.
  7. Acorn control panels made in Cornwall - 1970/1 Both battery only and mains operated boxes Ramic, same era.
  8. Ah, MW 5003 USD with a label that fits over the lid screw!
  9. Obviously haven't got much snow then, why aren't you at work?
  10. Who goes when you are away on your hols? I think you could answer that last question yourself.
  11. The first bit about owners not changing them I totally agree. I'm afraid I take exception to the last bit here, all professionally installed alarm systems that I've ever come across come with a service contract, one or two visits a year as required when the battery/s would be fully tested/checked as necessary, I must change 400+ a year, everything from 1.2 all the way up to 17.0AH, so don't suggest that the pros don't do their job.
  12. Perhaps the User manual will help, have a good read, there are instructions on how to change the User code. Countess_User.pdf
  13. OMG, and you are an 'old hand' alarm engineer? Time to go back to school I think.
  14. PJF, I'm sorry, thanks for that, I think I'll go and have a look rather than a phone call now, I'm not so sure about your instructions though, I think kgilly is nearer the mark with his suggestion, let you know next week. magpye
  15. I'm enjoying this, Sunthorne ACP-2D, Solfan 1100 Control, Radiovisor Monive Panels, how about some realy obscure panels - Brocks RAED, Brocks pre'74 with 'traffic lights', Mather & Platt 20 Series, Maxim Control Panel, Selmar (no, not the car alarm), YTA, Songuard, I could go on but I think I'll save a few for another day. Perhaps we could reminisce about old detectors as well, a few to start you off >> Westool MWD, Cerberus Seismic Detector, Frowds Pulsonic USD System, Radartron Invisible Radar, that'll do for starters, your turn now. magpye
  16. Oh dear, started something here didn't I? Well if we are all going to reminisce what about A&G BS80, AES Autodial 271L, G.Lowe PC39, MGR100A, Sesco S190 Control, Spectre Euromaster and more and more and ....... magpye
  17. Well, I'm sorry, could not think of the model number for one of those, know how to fix them though, take the covers off the relays and give them a good blow - if they ever went wrong that is. Once installed a multicircuit, about 8/10 boxes (100 or so cts.)with great big rotary switches for isolation etc, and two 'pea' bulbs to each circuit. If I hunt hard enough, I might even have some paperwork if any one needs it for fault finding!!!!! - I bet it would still work today even after 25+ years. how many of todays panels will be working in 25+ years, not many, if any. magpye ps Who renmembers the old Acorn control panels from, I think, Cornwall. Both battery only and a mains version?
  18. kgilly, thanks for that, sounds right but, I'd rather know, best to ring the customer with 'do this' rather than 'do this, see if it works', if you see what I mean. magpye
  19. PJF, thanks for that. By the way, I'm one of the 'old timers' been at it for 30yrs+, ask your guys if any remember the Model 88, 89 or 91 Tele-Alarm, SID 27s Seismic Detector or 23p PSU (got the paperwork for these!!!!!) magpye
  20. Yes, I know it's old (very,1968) but I still need the user manual, well, page two only, the one showing how to change the user code, or Keycode as Shorrock call it. It's in section 2.1.3, I've got all the rest but this page got ripped at sometime in the past and I'm missing the top half, too many bits of paper in the same box, and the bit I want has gone! If anyone has these details I would be very grateful, magpye
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