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Reset Ademco (ADT) Galaxy 8+ panel back to default

Guest What Spark

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Guest What Spark

I cancelled my contract with //.National Installer.// when I moved house and took the alarm system with me. However they have not reset it back to default and I cannot access the engineers mode as I do not know the code. //.National Installer.// will charge

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The system can be defaulted, but you will not be given that info on this forum for obvious reasons. get in touch with a local company and they should be able to assist.

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool.

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Guest Trulloman

The galaxy is a proffesional alarm panel and not for joe public to start messing about with,

thats why you like it so much. You will not be very happy if you fit this in your new house only to find its going off or not tripping when it should be once you have changed a few parameters in the programming.

As Norman said get a local engineer to set it up for you.

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Guest What Spark


Thanks for your concern and I appreciate any advice. However, I am a qualified avionics engineer dealing with far more complex systems that this alarm system. I have the full engineer

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Guest What Spark

All paid up and I took ownership at the end of the contract, only I did not realise the importance of the engineer code at the time otherwise I would have made a point of it.

Contacting //.National Installer.// is hell. They will not put me through to a service engineer as they claim they cannot. I get transferred to every man and his dog, from Sunbury to Newcastle and back, three times and are no help at all. They will not put me through to a manager as I no longer have a contract.

To be fair I could not complain about their service whilst I did have a contract. In fact I would say they were very good.

Speaking personally if a customer of mine cancels their contract I do not feel the obligation to do anything further to their panel and I would certainly not divulge my engineer code

Surely if at the end of a contract a customer takes over a panel you have to leave that panel in a serviceable condition to that customer for them to use as they wish. Also I am not asking anyone to divulge an engineer code. I need a way to set the panel back to default. If I can't then I will break the code by numerically going through every possible code which takes some time.

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However, I am a qualified avionics engineer dealing with far more complex systems that this alarm system.

:cry: Your alarm system is designed for one thing, ask your insurance company if they are happy with you working on it.



No PMs please unless i know you or you are using this board with your proper name.

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Guest Trulloman

Thanks for your concern and I appreciate any advice. However, I am a qualified avionics engineer dealing with far more complex systems that this alarm system. I have the full engineer

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Guest What Spark
1 They did leave it in a serviceable condiion, any competant engineer can default it and reprog it for you. It would be irrisponsible to leave the end user with proggraming capabilities

O.K It is a serviceable panel, but until I have engineers access it is useless to me. Competancy and knowledege are two different things. I just need to know how to flash this particular NVM. Now reading various posts I appreciate and understand I will not get this info here.

Irresponsible to whom? I am out of contract so am not monitored and quite frankly all I want is a bells only system not connected to the telephone network. It would be irresponsible to give the code to someone who was monitored and under contract.

Galaxy 8+ is a four digit code giving me 10000 options.

Also //.National Installer.// are pretty competitive. They charged

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Guest Cerberus NI

Not being from an intruder background but reflecting on previous posts it would appear better to have no system as opposed to a bells only.They may offer you a reduction on your premium but should the unthinkable happen getting money outta them will be a different story.

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